Thursday, April 19, 2018

John 8:31-59    All of this chapter is challenging and deep and way beyond my capability to fully understand.. so I pray, " Holy Spirit, come and give spiritual wisdom and understanding."

Jesus is talking about Truth that sets slaves free from the dominion of sin.  Slaves, He tells us, are temporary residents of the home,  but sons are permanent/forever...  " If therefore the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed," ( v36)  So as we read this.. we will find true freedom!

The Jewish leaders took for granted their heritage .. they were "sons of Abraham."  But, Jesus says that they are not acting like Abraham's children.. they are acting like sons of the devil.
".. do the deeds of Abraham"...  He tells them. (v39)
Hear the word of God.. like Abraham. ( v47)
Rejoice to "see My day".. like Abraham ( v56)
Believe God... like Abraham. ( v42, 46, 55)

As children of the devil they:
wanted to kill Him v37
did not have the Word v37
could not hear the Word v43
wanted to do the desires of their father v44
do not stand in the truth or have truth in them ,
speak lies,
accuse Jesus of having a demon.. and being a Samaritan. v48
do not know the Father v55
pick up stones to throw at Jesus v59

Jesus patiently and graciously tells them again and again the Truth of who He is.
".. I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; " v38
 I have "told you the truth which I heard from God" v40
 I "proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative , but He sent Me. " v42
"If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me?" v45
".. but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me." v49
" I do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judges." v50
"  Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall not see death." v 51
"... it is My Father who glorifies Me.. " v 54
".. I know Him and keep His word." v 55
".. before Abraham was born, I am" v58

Jesus was absolutely making it clear that He is the Son of  God, the "sent One" .. the Messiah.  He made it absolutely clear that everything He said and did originated from God, the Father.  The Jewish leaders refused to receive the truth, didn't have a desire for the truth, and listened to the lies of the devil instead of the Word of God.

Reminded once again how vitally important it is that we know the Word and abide in the Word every day.. for without that firm foundation.. we are without light and truth.. and we will wander in the darkness of this world, swayed and conquered by the lies of the devil.. slaves to sin.

Father in heaven , give us ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Word and to abide in Jesus the Son who sets us free indeed.  May we know You more and more.. "growing in the knowledge of God" as You fill us with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  ( Col. 1:9-12)  We seek You, our God and Father.. every day and every hour, praying in the Name of our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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