Friday, April 13, 2018

John 8: 1-11  This account is to me one of the most amazing, gracious, and beautiful stories in the ministry of Jesus..
She didn't come to Him willingly.
She was viciously attacked by those who were supposed to be righteous.
She was guilty.
She didn't try to defend herself.
She was being used.
She had no hope.

Jesus did not defend her.
He did not accuse her.
He did not look at her.. but stooped down and wrote in the dust.
When He spoke, He did not address her, but her accusers, " He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 

They left one by one. Until only Jesus and the woman remained. Finally, Jesus looked at her.
"Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?"
He chose not to condemn her either.
He sent her away with these words .. " go your way.. from now on sin no more." 
She didn't ask for forgiveness, but she received it anyway.

This is our Savior. He knows us through and through.  He knows our guilt. He knows our hopelessness. And He chooses to forgive us.. to remove our condemnation, and to set us free.
What amazing grace!

Father in heaven,  You are holy and pure.  You are righteous and will judge justly.  Our sins, which are many, deserve the death sentence according to Your Law.  Yet, in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
There is no condemnation !  Hallelujah! What  a Savior.  May we continue to walk in light, in Your Truth, by Your Spirit... to the glory of Your Great Name.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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