Thursday, March 29, 2018


Chapter 1- Israel is personified as a woman who " has become like a widow". 
She was once a princess, but is now a slave.
She has been abandoned by all her lovers.
She can find no comfort.
She has been conquered by her foes.
She is alone, despised, and aware of her guilt.
She confesses her transgressions, her rebellion, and her uncleanness.

Chapter 2 - This chapter reveals God's anger -
It covered "the daughter of Zion"  like a cloud. v1
It cast her out of His favor.
It caused Him to "not remember" her.
It threw her down to the ground, v2
It cut off her strength and burned her like a "flaming fire". v3
It struck her like a bow and hit her like a fist. v4
It swallowed her up and destroyed her shelters. v5
It tore down her tabernacle and erased her festivals. v6
It despised the kings and priests. v6
It rejected what was once sacred. v7
It sunk her gates and destroyed her bars, so the walls were destroyed. v8

The wrath of God resulted in the ruin of Zion.
The elders sat in silence, girded in sackcloth, throwing dust on their heads. v10
The virgins bowed with their heads to the ground.
The little ones and infants fainted. v11
They died for lack of food in their mother's arms.
All who passed by mocked and hissed at them. v15
The enemy rejoiced at her downfall. v17
Their tears ran down day and night... but it was too late.
Mothers sacrificed their own children for food. v20

"On the ground in the streets lie young and old, my virgins and my young men have fallen by the sword. Thou hast slain them in the day of Thine anger , Thou hast slaughtered, not sparing."

"The Lord has done what He purposed; He has accomplished His word which He commanded from days of old...."  Jeremiah writes.  But, it breaks his heart.  Verse 11 " My eyes fail because of tears, my spirit is greatly troubled; my heart is poured out on the earth, because of the destruction of the daughter of my people...." 

Chapters 3-5 Bring more of the lament for Israel's failings.  "The Lord has accomplished His wrath", Jeremiah writes in chapter 4:11.  He completely destroyed them because of their great sin.. "For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom". ( v6)

Yet, even in this somber dirge,  Jeremiah calls on the Lord to hear their cries.  It is in the middle of this horrible picture of utter destruction and devastation - far worse than what happened in the concentration camps - we find a message of hope:

"Surely my soul remembers
and is bowed down within me. 
This I recall to mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is His faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, says my soul.
Therefore I have hope in Him.
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him. 
It is good that he waits silently
for the salvation of the Lord." 

Jeremiah testifies of God's faithfulness to him, personally.  He called and the Lord answered.  He prayed for relief and was comforted by God's presence.  "Thou O Lord, dost rule forever; Thy throne is from generation to generation." 

Father,  Your wrath will be poured out once more at the judgement seat.. and all those who remain wicked, rebellious, and full of iniquity.. will experience worse than what we have read here.  That thought is deeply troubling and like Jeremiah, we cry for those who are lost.  O Father, thank You that  Your loving-kindnesses never cease and Your compassion never fails.  Bring more souls to salvation in Christ Jesus.  May Your word be scattered abroad and fall on good soil so that many more will bring glory to Jesus and praise to You forever.  We pray in Jesus' name. amen. 

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