Thursday, April 26, 2018

One more thought about John 10/ Ezekiel 34... After the crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus and Peter had a conversation ... 3 times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. 3 times Peter said yes,  and 3 times Jesus told him to... " Tend My lambs.. Shepherd My sheep.. Tend My sheep." ( John 21:15-17)  As the Good Shepherd, Jesus asked His disciples to do the work He had begun.. the work of the Father Himself.  We are His disciples also and need to see that our primary role as followers of Christ is to feed His sheep and tend His flock.

As Ezekiel wrote.. the shepherd should:
Search for His sheep and seek them out.
Care for His sheep.
Deliver His sheep.
Feed His sheep.
Give His sheep good pastures.
Lead His sheep to a place they can rest.
Seek the lost.
Bind up the broken.
Strengthen the sick.
All with the purpose of letting them know that the He is the Lord who is God alone and they belong to Him.

John 11

Lazarus, Mary, and Martha were loved by Jesus.  They were full of faith in Him and believed that He was the Son of God, the Messiah.  When Lazarus fell sick, the sisters sent for Jesus.  They believed that He would heal Lazarus.. but they didn't realize that Jesus would do something far greater than they could ever imagine.  They were chosen to be instruments that would bring glory to God and to the Son.
Their faith would be tested, but it would go deeper and become stronger than ever before. The disciples also needed to witness this and come to believe.. and many others as well... as Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave.

Jesus deliberately  stays away longer after receiving word of Lazarus' illness. He knew that Lazarus would die.  But, He also knew that He would raise Him up again.  Jesus wanted to reveal to His followers more about Himself. .. " I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies." 

Jesus revealed in the most powerful way possible that He is the giver of life, that He was sent by the Father to reveal the glory of God, and that He was indeed the Messiah. 

This was all the proof that should have been needed for the Jews.. and they knew it.. but they still refused to trust Him or believe Him.  Verse 48 reveals that they wanted their own place.. their own positions more than they wanted God.  Caiaphas, the high priest, even in his corruption and unbelief prophesies that " it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish." ( v50)

Love this statement by John, " Now this he did not say on his own initiative; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but that He might also gather together into one the children fo God who are scattered abroad." ( v51-52) 

Jesus, the Son of God, died for all of us... for you and for me, that we might become the children of God. Rejoice again and again in the truth of this simple statement that we have learned since the beginning of our christian journeys.

Father, we have seen Your glory and we believe that Jesus, the Son of God, died for us.  Remind us again.. fill us again.. with the pure joy of this amazing truth.  We praise You and give You thanks.

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