Monday, April 16, 2018

John 8:12-

Jesus made this statement - " I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."  
Light - luminousness; to shine; to make manifest.
Darkness - obscurity;

Light is necessary to have life.  Darkness hides life. Light reveals it.  Jesus is necessary for light and life. We find these by [akoloutheo] following Jesus - to be in the same way with - in union with Him in the way, the road.. the journey of our lives.

The Pharisees accuse Jesus of being His own witness.   Jesus answered them:

1. Even if He did bear witness of Himself.. it is true because He knows where He came from and where He is going.
2. They don't know where He came from and where He is going.
3. They judge by the flesh.
4. He does not.
5. If He did judge, it would be truth.. for it is in agreement with the Father.
6. If two witnesses are needed according to their Law, then they should count His testimony and the testimony of the Father.
7.  They don't know Him of the Father, because if they knew Him they would know who His Father is.

Jesus, Light of the World, shine Your light upon us.. in us.. through us.  We choose to walk in step with You, believing Your testimony.. that You are Who You say You are.  Help us to understand Your Word and to walk in Your path.  We ask this in Your Name.  Father, hear our prayer. Amen.

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