Wednesday, April 4, 2018

John 3;1-21

 When Nicodemus came to Jesus that night, he confessed his belief that Jesus had come from God.  He, for one, saw the signs and knew that this was from God.  But, when Jesus started talking about being born again... Nicodemus did not understand.  He confused a spiritual rebirth with a physical rebirth.  Jesus explains patiently...

A new birth is essential to seeing God's kingdom.  (v3)
A new birth is a spiritual experience by the Holy Spirit. (v5)
A new birth follows the pattern of physical birth  - flesh bears flesh, Spirit bears spirit. ( v6)
A new birth is unseen by the eyes.. like the wind.. but just as certainly manifested. ( v8)
A new birth is initiated by receiving and believing the witness of the One who has descended from heaven... "The Son of Man." (v13)
A new birth will happen when one looks at the One who is lifted up and believes on Him. ( v15)
A new birth is possible because  "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (v16)

There is a judgement upon everyone who does evil, Jesus explains, that judgement is already upon all who have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
 But, Jesus was not sent to judge but to save. He came to shed light on man's darkness.  Those who will receive Him and believe in Him, willingly coming into that light - exposing their evil deeds - confessing their sins.. are practicing the truth - and this is the work of God.

Father in heaven, holy and wonderful, we give You thanks and praise for the work that You accomplished in the sending of Your Son.  A new birth - a spiritual birth that You accomplish in all who will look to Jesus and believe in Him.. in His Word and in His life, death, and resurrection.
Fill us once again, Holy Spirit, that we might gaze anew at the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. Hallelujah! What a Savior!  Amen.

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