Friday, April 27, 2018

John 12

Verses1-11 tell of supper at Lazarus' house.  Mary anoints Jesus.  Judas criticizes her.  Jesus rebukes him. The multitude gathers to see Him and Lazarus.

Verses 12- 19 tell of the entrance into Jerusalem.. the palm branches and the praises.. the presentation of the King of Israel. The multitude proclaiming His works, the Pharisees regretting His fame.

Verses 20-22 tell of the Greeks coming to meet Him, and then Jesus responding in verses 23-50 with the revelation of His coming death.

Verse 23 " The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."  Jesus says that this is His whole purpose.

Like a grain of wheat that is planted in the ground to produce a crop.. Jesus would die so that He could bear "much fruit". (v24)

Like Jesus we must be willing to lose our lives in order to keep them.. to hate this life in the world in order to have eternal life.  (v25)

To serve Jesus is to follow His example.. to follow Him is to walk in the same way with Him.
To walk with Him is to walk in the light.. to believe in the light is to become "sons of light".
Believing in Jesus is believing in the One who sent Him.
Beholding Jesus is beholding the Father.
Believing in Jesus takes us out of darkness and saves us from judgement.
Believing in Jesus is keeping His commands which are the Father's commandments that lead to eternal life.

Receive it. Believe it . Keep it. Walk in it..  The Light of the world is freely given and we must willingly receive Him. His Word is Life and we must walk in His ways.  This is the purpose and desire of our Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, thank You for the great grace that You have given to us in Jesus Christ who has fulfilled Your every commandment and paid our every penalty.  Hallelujah, what a Savior! Glorify Your Name in all the earth.

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