Monday, April 23, 2018

John 10 - Jesus reveals Himself as the "Good Shepherd".   He has already revealed Himself as the "Bread of Life";  the "light of the world"; and the giver of living water.  He has told them that He was sent from the Father to do the works of the Father and that everything He says and does is from the Father.  He has made it clear that He is the Son of God.  But, here He gives a wonderful word picture of how He will fulfill the commandment He received from His Father. ( v18)

Picture a sheep fold. A pen or pasture, enclosed by a stone wall.. the home base for a flock of sheep.
The door or gate of the pen is closed and guarded to protect the sheep from predators and to keep the sheep from wandering out where it would not be safe.  The shepherd would freely go in and out of the gate, but anyone else might climb over the wall.. to steal , kill, or destroy the sheep.  When the shepherd comes to take his sheep out to other pastures where they can graze fresh grass or drink from fresh water, he calls them and they willingly follow him.

Jesus says that His sheep will recognize His voice and follow Him.  He calls us by name.  He leads us  and we follow.  We know Him.  We trust Him.  We are willing to go where He leads, because we have come to trust Him completely.  As His sheep we have learned to flee the stranger and to refuse to follow the robber and thief.

Jesus continues with a second illustration . " I am the door of the sheep". 
He is the portal. The entrance way.
We must go through Him.
We cannot enter through a robber or thief.
We cannot come in or go out any other way and be safe.
We cannot find pasture... our source of life.. through any other way.
A thief wants to steal,  kill,  and destroy the sheep.
Jesus wants to give abundant life to His sheep... to us who will follow Him. 

Jesus goes even further in this illustration.  As the good shepherd, He will lay down His life for His sheep.
A hired hand will not face a wolf for the sake of the sheep.  He doesn't care about them.
But the shepherd knows His sheep.. they belong to Him.
His sheep know Him too.  There is a personal, intimate relationship between the Good Shepherd and the sheep.  A relationship as close as that of the Father and the Son.
There is a love relationship that brings the Shepherd to lay down His life, on His own, for His sheep.
A love relationship with the Father that keeps His command and grants Him authority to not only lay down His life, but to take it up again.

What a wonderful Shepherd we have!

Father in heaven, we praise You!  Thank You for sending Your Son, to be the Good Shepherd, to save us and to give us abundant life. Thank You for laying down Your life for us, Jesus. Thank You for calling us by name and for leading us every day!  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come.
We love You and desire to know You as You know us.. draw us nearer to Your side we pray . Amen.

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