Tuesday, April 3, 2018

John 2  The miracle at Cana came about because Mary asked Jesus to do something. Why she was concerned for the family of the groom, we are not told.  Perhaps it was a relative... or perhaps one of her daughters was the bride.   Jesus seems reluctant to do anything, but is obedient to His mother's request.  The fact that water was made into wine immediately is one thing, but that it becomes a superior wine is even more amazing.

Verse 11 is one to meditate on, " This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. "

It was a miraculous sign attesting to His supernatural power.
It was a revelation of His glory - His worth, His importance, His significance.. His divine power and majesty.
It was an instrument of saving faith for the disciples.

When Jesus goes up to Jerusalem for Passover and finds the temple crowded with merchants and money-changers, He takes a scourge and drives them out. The Jews question Jesus, asking for a sign that He had the authority to do such a thing.  They would not believe in Him then, but some may have come to believe when the sign He promised was fulfilled - The temple, His body, was struck down and raised again on the 3rd day.

The disciples remembered this and it again brought them to believe.  Many people also believed in Him at that time.  All that Jesus did while on this earth was for that one purpose - to bring people to believe - in Him, in the Scriptures, and in the Father's love for them.

Bring us nearer to You, Father in heaven, manifest Your glory once again in Christ our Lord.  Open our eyes and our ears.. change our hearts so that we can see You clearly.  Guide us in Your ways and teach us Your truth.  Help us to be loving, faithful and kind we pray. Amen.

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