Tuesday, April 10, 2018

John 5  Once again Jesus goes up to Jerusalem. This time He heals a man on the Sabbath, which starts the Jewish campaign against Him.  Jesus answered the complaint this way, " My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working."  Then, He gives a very detailed explanation of who He is and what He has come to do:

V19 - Jesus is doing only what the Father is does.
V20 - It is the Father's love that leads Him to show the Son "all the things that He Himself is doing". 
       -  The "greater works" that He shows the Son are for the purpose of making them "marvel".
V21- The giving of life to the dead is what the Father does and the Son will do.
V22- The Father has given the Son "all judgement".  (the authority to accuse, condemn, and judge)
V23- The Son is due the same honor as the Father because He is sent by the Father.
V24- He will judge those who hear His word and believe the Father who sent Him..and give them life.
V25- Those who hear the voice of the Son of God.. live.
V26 - The Father is the source of life and He has given the Son, "to have life in Himself." 
V27 - The Father has given the Son "authority to execute judgement".
V28-29 - The authority given to Jesus is on-going- it will be displayed in the final day when the dead will rise;  those who did good - to life; those who did evil- to judgement.
V30- Everything that Jesus does is initiated by the Father; obedient to the will of the Father; and is therefore just.

Jesus continues to teach.  The religious leaders often asked Jesus about His authority . Jesus is giving Him the testimony, the proof, right here.

The testimony of John was given as a lamp to shine the way. v33-35
The testimony of the "works" bear witness of the truth that Jesus was sent by the Father. v36
The Father Himself testifies of Jesus.. but they could not hear Him or see Him, for they did not believe Him or receive His Word. v37-38
Scripture bears witness of Him.. the same scripture that they loved to search and speak of. v39

The problem they had was that they refused to accept these testimonies.
They were "unwilling" to come to Jesus. v40
They didn't have the love of God in them. v42
They wouldn't receive Him although He came in His Father's name. v43
They received those who did not come from the Father.
They wanted glory from each other, not from God. v44
They put their hope in Moses, but didn't really believe in him either. v45-47

Father in heaven,  this Word, this living and active Word of God is the foundation of our faith. Help us to not just taste it, but to be filled with it.. to digest it, to be transformed by it.  Jesus, Your Beloved Son, is our life giver!  We need to know Him, really know Him.  Come Holy Spirit and open our ears to hear and our eyes to see.. that we may marvel!  We are willing and committed to receive You, Lord Jesus! Thank You for the Word of life!  Amen.

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