Friday, April 6, 2018

John 4   Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar, a city in Samaria.  The conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well is recorded for us here.  Jesus reveals to this woman truths that she needed desperately. Truths that transformed her life and the lives of those in this town.

Jesus reveals:

He is the gift and the giver of living water. v10
Physical water only satisfies temporarily. v 13
Living water satisfies for eternity. It multiplies and springs up within those who receive it. v14
The place of worship is not important, who we worship is... the Father.  v21
"True worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth." v23
The Father seeks true worshipers. v23
"God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." v24

Jesus also reveals to this woman directly that He is the Messiah. v25  During the 2 days He spends with the Samaritans many come to believe that He "is indeed the Savior of the world." (v42)

Jesus tells His disciples that He needs no physical food to eat because His "food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work." v34  His time with the Samaritan woman produced a harvest of souls.. a "gathering (of) fruit for life eternal".  This was the work of the Father that Jesus accomplished beside a well of Jacob.. with a lonely woman.

Are we "true worshipers"?  Have we learned what that really means?  Do we understand that worship is not about a place.. or a set of songs.. it is about an attitude of adoration that brings us to bow before the Father who is God.  To worship in "spirit and truth" is to worship with our soul - our mind - our heart -our vital principle;  it comes from the inside, not outside.  It is based on truth - the full Word of God is our source of truth and we must stay true to the Truth.

It is so easy to slip into habit, ritual.. like the Jews.. without our spirits involved in true worship.  It is the Truth of God's word that keeps us on the right path, if we are careful to walk in it.. abiding, living, placing our roots down.. making it the foundation of all of our life.. our homes, our jobs, our families.. everything we do and everything we say.

Father in heaven,  we worship You  in spirit and in truth.  Your Word is our light and we bind it to ourselves.. we ask You to write it on the tablets of our hearts. We desire to walk in Your ways and to do the work that You have called us to do.. like Jesus we desire to do Your will and accomplish Your work. Thank You for this great salvation that You have given us.. living water that will never run dry!

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