Thursday, August 18, 2016

Psalm 40

The Lord-
Inclines towards us,
Hears our cries,
Brings us up out of the pits,
Sets our feet on solid ground;
Gives us new songs to praise Him;
Does many wonders;
Thinks many thoughts toward us;
Is incomparable;
Doesn't desire our sacrifices.. but does desire us to listen and come to Him;
Does not withhold compassion from us;
Preserves us with His lovingkindness and truth;
Delivers us from our overwhelming sin;
Gives us joy and gladness by His salvation;
Is mindful of us... of me!
Is our help and deliverer.

Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, You are thinking of me and leaning towards me, even now.  You know me inside and out.  You know my heart. You forgive my trespasses.  Your wonders are more numerous to count. There is none like You.  I praise You and proclaim Your righteousness and lovingkindness.  How grateful I am that You didn't leave me sunk in my guilt and shame. But You put out Your hand and pulled me up out of the mud to stand in Your Presence. Thank You. Lord, my Master, I delight to do Your will, according to Your Word, written on my heart.  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might walk in a manner worthy of You, Abba.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Savior and Your anointed One,  amen.

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