Friday, August 19, 2016

Psalm 41   Isn't it when we are not feeling well, when our bodies are hurting, and when we are exhausted and weary, that the enemy comes against us with his worse attacks?

But, David tells us we are "blessed".

We are blessed because the Lord will deliver us.
We are blessed because the Lord, Himself, will sustain us.
The Lord will restore us.
The Lord will be gracious to us.
The Lord will heal our souls .

David felt like his enemies were just waiting for him to die.
He felt like even his friends had turned against him.

But, he knew that the Lord would never leave him.
His faith was in the Lord's promise, " As for me, Thou dost uphold me in my integrity, and Thou
dost set me in Thy presence forever."

"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and amen."

Father in heaven, You are on our side, how blessed we are!  Abba, thank You for loving me and for saving me.  Thank You for being gracious to me and for being the Healer of my soul and my body.
Thank You for delivering me from the enemy and for sustaining me through times of trouble.
You are my Shepherd and I do not want.  For You know me thoroughly and You have Your best in store for me.  Precious words of truth from Your Word are my food and life giving water.  Blessed be the Lord, my God, forever and ever.  Amen and amen.

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