Thursday, August 4, 2016

Psalm 31  David continually spends time in prayer.  His writings reveal how he talks to the Lord about everything, his struggles, his sorrows, his joys, and his love for God. To take psalms and to put them into my own words... as applicable to my own life.. helps my own relationship with the Lord.

So here is my personal prayer based on this psalm.

Heavenly Father, it is in You that I find refuge, a place of safety and security, in the midst of a troubled world.  Lord, I don't want to be ashamed before You and I do not want to bring any shame upon Your Name, so Lord will You keep me in Your righteousness?

Lord, will You hear my cries when I am in trouble and will You be my strength when I am weak? I put my faith in Your power to save me, to stabilize me, to lead me, and to guide me.  You are my everything, my rock, my shield, my hiding place, my deliverer.. and I commit my whole self into Your Almighty Hands.

Father, You have ransomed me.  Paid the price, set me free, made me Your own..
I trust You to keep me and I rejoice in Your truth and in Your love for me.
You see me.  You know my problems.  You know my enemy.  You can and will protect me in the midst of distress, sorrow,  illness, and dread. Thank You.
My times are in Your hand.. even as David believed, I believe it.  You do not change.  You do not forget.  You do not fail.  Your greatness is unsearchable.  You are good.  You are compassionate.  You are faithful to preserve Your children.  

I wil endever to be strong and to take courage, for I put my hope in You.

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