Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Psalm 39

Sometimes.. life is just hard.  We try to do our best, but our best isn't enough.
We feel like David did when he wrote this psalm.. " my lifetime ( is) as nothing in Thy sight. Surely every man at his best is a mere breath." 

Our only hope is in the Lord. 
When the wicked speak lies.
When the rich oppress the poor.
When foolish reproach the wise.
When we feel alienated by all others, even God.
When we don't even know what to say...

It is the Lord, our God, our Shepherd, our Father, Abba... 
Who hears our cries.. .
who sees our tears... 
and Who leads us out of the valley and onto the mountain top. 

We need to ask the Lord  the same thing that David did:
" Lord, make me to know my end,
And what is the extent of my days, 
Let me know how transient I am."

We need to understand that our lives really are like a breath... so that we can wake up and really live.
We need to realize that this life will soon be over, but after that, the judgement.
Will our eternity be spent with Him in glorious joy?
Or will we be forever removed from His presence?

Father, my hope is in You. Lead me in Your paths, transform me into the likeness of Your Beloved Son.  Your will be done, Abba, for only that is perfect, good, and acceptable. Thank You for hearing my prayers and keeping me in Your Hand.  I adore You, Abba.  You are so good to me. Thank You.

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