Friday, August 12, 2016

Pslam 36  Once again David gives us the contrast between wickedness and goodness.

A wicked person knows his own sinfulness, but doesn't care for he has no fear of God.
He flatters himself by thinking of his independence from the Lord.
He speaks deceit and wickedness.
He is not wise.
He ceases to do any good.
He makes plans to do more evil.
He does not know that his destruction will come.. and he will not rise again.

But, David again boasts in the Lord:

The Lord's lovingkindness - is higher than the heavens.
His "faithfulness reaches to the skies."
His righteousness is higher than the highest mountains.
His judgments are deeper than the deepest sea.
He preserves both men and animals.

"How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God!
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. 
They drink their fill of the abundance of Thy house;
And Thou dost give them to drink of the river of Thy delights.
For with Thee is the fountain of life;
In Thy light we see light." 

Our great God, who is our Loving Shepherd, provides all that we need - shelter, water, light, and life.
"O continue Thy lovingkindness to those who know Thee, and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart."  David prays. " Let not the foot of pride come upon me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away."  Our hope is in the Lord.. and it is not just wishful thinking, but a sure and certain assurance of His Presence  with us.

Father, You are my shelter and my refuge. I find comfort and rest in the shadow of Your wings.  I find delight in the rivers of Your grace.  Thank You for not limiting Your lovingkindness and compassion, but filling the heavens with Your love.  How precious is Your Word to me.  Shine Your Light upon us now we pray. That we might see You more clearly and know You more and more. Amen.

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