Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Psalm 38  David shares with us in this psalm an honest, real, stark acknowledgement of the guiltiness of sin.

v1 God's wrath and anger against our sinfulness is real.  He will rebuke us and He will chasten us.
Only by His mercy can we survive.
v2  God will make us aware of our sinfulness by His "arrows" and His hand - our conscience recognizes this weight or burden.  If we do not recognize this weight of our guiltiness, we can not repent... So it is merciful for Him to do this, even as it is uncomfortable or downright painful.
v3 Sin affects our health.  From the outward appearance of our flesh, to the inward strength of our bones..
v4 "my" personal iniquity.. is a "heavy burden",  too much for me  to bear on our own,  it covers my head... I'm drowning. But,  oh, how great is my Savior who bears my iniquities and " He Himself bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors." ( Isaiah 53:11-12)
v5 Sin is a wound that festers. But by His stripes we are healed!
v6 Sin bends us over... but He is the lifter of our head.
We mourn.. but He brings joy.
v7-9  Sin affects our muscles, our vital organs, our minds, and our hearts.  And the only help we have is from the Lord.  He knows what we lack and He alone can help us.  He hears our moans.
v10 Sin not only affects our hearts, but our vitality, our light of life.
v11 Sin affects our relationships.. both friends and family move away from us emotionally and sometimes physically.
v12 Our enemies will take advantage of us while we are separated from the One who is our refuge and strength.
v13-14 - Our ears refuse to hear and our words have no meaning.  We become more isolated and distraught.
v15 Our hope is in the Lord,  for if we cry to Him, He will answer us.
V16-18  Like David, we must be brutally honest - with ourselves and with God -
" I am ready to fall..." 
".. my sorrow is continually before me"
"For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin." 
v19-20  We confess our great need for the Lord's protection for the enemy is strong;  we will be hated, we will be opposed, we will be repaid evil for good.
v21-22  Our prayer is for God's presence , for His nearness, for His salvation.

Father,  how often we must be reminded of the sinfulness of sin.  Thank You for mercifully dealing with us when we fail You.  Thank You for intervening when we go astray.  You are our  Great Shepherd and it is Your rod and staff that comfort us.  You deliver us from evil.  You draw us to Yourself. We run to You for healing and salvation, for You alone are able to help and save.  Wonderful Savior and Majestic Lord,  we praise You now.
Keep us near to Your side today. Grant us to know more fully the greatness of Your love.  Then help us, by Your Spirit to love one another more.


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