Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Psalm 44

Making it personal;

O God, I have heard it with my own ears,
My elders have told me about the ways You worked in the past.
I've read how You drove out nations before Your chosen people.
How You planted them in Your land.
And also how You afflicted and scattered those who were in the land,
how You won the victories through Your own right hand and the Light of Your presence.

You are my King, O God!
You push back adversaries.
You trample down those who rise against us.
For, we will not trust in manmade weapons.
They cannot save us.
Only You can save us.
Only You can put to shame those who hate Your children.
I will boast in You.
I will give thanks to You forever!

Sometimes, Father, You seem to be so far away.
It feels like You have rejected us.
We feel abandoned.
We feel like laughingstocks.. bywords... like all the world is mocking believers.
But, with Your help, we will not turn away from You.
We will not deviate from Your ways.

Lord, You know the secrets of my heart.
If I am reviled, or even killed for Your sake, like a sheep led to be slaughtered,
will You be near me?  Will You redeem me for Your sake?
As in the past, when You did miracles for Your people, Israel,  will You rescue Your children?
You are our only hope. 

Father in heaven, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done, in us today.
Give us the courage and boldness to believe that You will do all that You have said You will do, in our lives, in our families, and in our nation.  Come, Lord! Change our lives as we draw near to You in the sweet communion of prayer. In the Name above all names, the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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