Monday, August 22, 2016

Psalm 42-43  These psalms go together, 3 stanzas with one refrain, " Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.", found in verses 5b, 11b, and 43:5b.

The psalmist intends for the choir to lead the congregation to search their souls with a some deep
questions... and then to worship the Lord, Who is the answer to every need.

"When shall I appear before God?"(42:2b)
"Why are you in despair, O my soul?"(v5 and 11; 43:5)
"Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of my enemy?"(v9b and 43:2b)

Do we thirst for the Lord as a deer thirsts for water?
Do we pour out our souls to the Lord, the living God?
Do we remember Him when we are far off?
Do we know that He is the One who is our only hope?

It is the light and truth of God that we need!  In His presence we find both hope and help.
If we thirst and pant for Him, we will find Him.
If we pour out our souls to Him, we will hear from Him.
If we remember Him, we will find that He has not forgotten us.
If we put our faith in Him alone, we will find that He is all we need.

Father, help us to turn our eyes away from our troubles and back to You.  To search our own hearts and to put away everything that interferes with our hope in You.  Father, You are always aware of the needs in our hearts, and we praise You that You are the God of miracles and the God of forgiveness.
Lead us by Your Light and Truth that we might find true joy,  Our hope is in You for You are the help of our countenance. Amen

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