Friday, January 30, 2015

John 8: 1-11  This is one of the most touching and beautiful scenes of the New Testament, as the Pharisees try to set Jesus up for judgement, bringing a woman caught in adultery, into the midst of the crowd.
 Jesus remains quiet and calm, stooping down to write on the ground as the accusations are made.  I imagine that the scribes and Pharisees grew angrier and louder as they tried to get a reaction out of Jesus.   He stands up and speaks at last,  " He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."  And at that, they leave, one by one, until all are gone except Him and the woman.   The only One who is without sin, the only One Who could righteously condemn her, chooses not to.  " ... go your way... sin no more".  

What grace!

Follow Me, Jesus says, for "I am the light of the world." To follow Him is to no longer walk in darkness- in blindness or obscurity; but to walk in the light of life.  To follow Him we must be willing to say we are blind and ask that He open our eyes to see the Truth.

The Pharisees and scribes did not want to confess their own blindness... but perhaps in this situation they were closer than they had ever been.... and they didn't like it one bit!

Father in heaven,  we want to see!  We want to walk in the light of life... in the Truth of the One Who is the Light of the World.  Open our eyes anew every day, that we might walk in a manner worthy of You, pleasing You in all respects. Fill us with the full knowledge of Your will,  strengthen us with Your power.  We give thanks to You, Father, for You have qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of Light!  Blessed be the Name of the Lord!  Amen.

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