Monday, January 19, 2015

John 1:35-51   As John witnesses to the identity of Jesus as the "Lamb of God", his disciples turn and follow Jesus.  When Jesus addresses them He asks, " What do you seek?" 

The two men were standing before the King of kings, the manifest Son of God... and they answered, "Rabbi, where are You staying?"  Kind of a lame question, but it was enough...

Jesus took them home with Him. " Come and you will see."   And they did.. see.  They saw enough that they went out and told others to "come and see" too.
Andrew brought Peter.
Phillip brought Nathanael.
"Come and see". 
Jesus told Nathanael that He saw him while he was still under the fig tree.
He also told him that he was going to see much more - ".. you will see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." 

What do you seek?  Do you seek wealth, health, success, happiness or love?
Do you seek Jesus?  Are you willing to "come and see" whatever it is that He desires to show you?
He wants us to see the heavens opened... to see His glory.. to see Him - the Light, the Truth, the Way.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,  seek Him with all your heart and You will find Him,
seek and keep on seeking...  the Word keeps on reminding us that we need to make a move.  It is not in the wondering and thinking... it is when we take action, when we actually seek Him, that we'll find Him.  When He becomes the priority,  the pearl of great price, the treasure that is worth all we have.. it is then.... that we will see the heavens opened and the glory of the Lord shining on us.

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy Name.  You are great and worthy of all of our praise and adoration.  Open our eyes to see the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom, Your everlasting and glorious Kingdom.  May Your perfect and acceptable will be done on the earth even as it is in heaven.
We ask for You to meet our daily needs, as You alone are our Provider.  We ask that You forgive our sins as we in turn forgive others.  Lead us away from temptations and into Your paths.  Deliver us from the lies and schemes of the evil one, who wants to turn our eyes away from You.  Let us see and know Your glory and Your power and Your Presence, forever and ever.  In the Name and authority of the Lamb of God, who died for us, we pray. Amen.

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