Friday, January 2, 2015

Numbers 16-17   The hearts of the Israelites are still rebellious.  No sooner had one rebellion been quashed, then another starts up.   This time one of the Levites, Korah,  plus several of the men from the tribe of Reuben, decide that Moses and Aaron  " have gone far enough".  They bring 250 of the leaders from the congregation and declare themselves holy.

Moses fell on his face.. .again.  He had to be exasperated with these guys!  When would they learn that God does what He wants and chooses whom He wants to choose?  " You have gone far enough..." he tells them.  He addresses Korah first.  Here is a Levite, set apart for the work of service in the tabernacle.  ".. is it not enough for you.." he asks. "And are you seeking for the priesthood also?"   Then Moses sends for Dathan and Abiram, but they refuse to come up to him. " We will not come up. Is it not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also lord it over us?... we will not come up!"  ( Wow, they think Egypt was a land of milk and honey?  Didn't they remember the slave-drivers?)

Moses instructs Korah and the 250 to prepare firepans with incense to be presented to the Lord.  They were to meet before the Lord at the doorway to the tabernacle.  Whatever happened would determine the Lord's choice of leadership.  When Korah comes, he brings not just the 250, but the whole congregation against them.  Then the "glory of the Lord appeared."  He instructs Moses and Aaron to separate themselves from the congregation, "that I may consume them instantly".  But once again Moses and Aaron fall on their faces and pray.  " O God, Thou God of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, wilt Thou be angry with the entire congregation?"

God, who is always gracious and merciful, heard Moses' prayer and told him to have the people move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.  Then Moses and the elders of Israel went to where Dathan and Abiram lived.  The men, their wives, their children and grandchildren came and stood outside of their tents.  Moses spoke again, " By this you shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these deeds; for this is not my doing."  Then God opened up the ground.. an entirely new thing.. and "swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who belonged to Korah, with their possessions. So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol; and the earth closed over them and they perished from the midst of the assembly."   Also fire came from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.

But even this dramatic and violent judgement did not stop the rebellion in the hearts of the people.  For the next day they started grumbling again, blaming Moses for what God had done! Once again the Lord appears and once again He instructs Moses and Aaron to move away from the people so He can consume them all.  And once again they fall on their faces.  But, God sends a plague that begins to kill the people.  Moses tells Aaron to take his censer and offer incense, to make atonement for the people.  As Aaron moves into the middle of the people the plague is stopped.  Still 14,700 people died.

The Lord decides to show the people one more time, His choice of Moses and Aaron to lead the nation.  12 rods, one from each tribe, are brought into the tabernacle.  Each one has a name on it and Aaron's name is on the rod for the tribe of Levi.  The next day, when the rods are brought out, there is only one rod that is budding - the rod of Aaron.  It had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds!  There could be no more doubt about God's choice!  This rod was kept in the Ark in the  tabernacle as a reminder, a sign.. that there should not be any more grumbling or rebellion.

The Israelites are defeated, " Behold we perish, we are dying, we are all dying!"  A true statement.   But still not the heart of obedience and worship.  Maybe they have learned to fear God, though.

There are two things that I sense the Shepherd speaking to me about through this passage.
First, it is enough.. that God allows me to serve in the ways that He has chosen for me.  I don't need to be anything else or to aspire to be more or less than what He has ordained for me.  I also don't need to grumble about the choices God has made for others.. especially those in leadership positions.  In the church or in the government.  ( That one is a challenge!)
Second, prayer makes a difference.  Twice, here in this situation, the Lord was willing to destroy the whole rebellious nation of Israel.  ( This had happened before and Moses had  prayed then too.)
Moses' prayer saved many people from destruction.  Aaron's offering of incense for atonement brought the plague under check.  Incense is associated with prayer in the account of John's Revelation.
 We are reminded in the New Testament also the our "God is a consuming fire".  The Lord of Glory is angered at rebellion and considers it a great sin.  His wrath is poured out on those who do not obey Him, trust Him, fear Him, or heed His Words.  We can say with the Israelites, "Behold we perish, we are dying, we are all dying!"  Except for the Atonement offering of Jesus Christ our Lord, Who not only died for us, but rose again and lives to pray for us.. to be the Intercessor for US!

Father , our Great and Mighty God, Who dwells above the heavens,  You are King and Lord of all.
By Your grace we have been saved from Your wrath through Jesus Christ, Your chosen One.   You have alloted to each of us a measure of faith.  You have given to each of us gifts that differ according to Your grace.  It is up to each of us to exercise those gifts according to our faith. We are told to present ourselves wholly to You and to allow You to transform us by renewing our minds. You tell us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, but to have sound judgement.... to not be haughty in mind, but to be of the same mind as each other. (Romans 12).  Keep us from the kind of thinking that brought Korah and his family to destruction.  Keep us away from those kinds of temptations that make us jealous or grumbling... or rebellious against Your choices for us.  Forgive us our trespasses against You.  We bow before You and worship You alone.  We honor You, for all power and glory belong to You.  Conform us to the image of Christ our Lord, we pray, in His Name.  Amen.

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