Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Numbers 20  Once again, at Kadesh, the same place they were when the spies had entered Canaan and brought back their bad report, the nation of Israel faces another crisis.  Three major events are recorded here:

1.  Miriam dies.  The sister of Moses, is among those who will not enter the promised land. After the experience of defying Moses and being punished with leprosy, she has not been heard of through the years of wandering in the wilderness.  Yet, her death is mentioned here.  She is remembered.  Did she learn a great lesson and humble herself before God for the rest of her life?  She was older than Moses, who at this point is well over 100!

2.  The people start grumbling about water again!  And even all these years later, they do not trust the Lord to keep on providing and their memories of Egypt tempt them to think that life would be better back there.  Once again the glory of the Lord comes down.  This time He instructs Moses and Aaron to speak to the rock and He will bring forth water for all the people and their animals.  But this time it is Moses who disobeys.  In his anger Moses strikes the rock instead of speaking to it.  The water still comes, but Moses loses his privilege of entering the promised land.   " Because you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them." ( verse12) 

Unbelief.  Moses, the man who met with and talked with God face to face, failed to believe, failed to reverence God. It is a sin that God will punish.  He forgives, but He also punishes.

3. The people move from Kadesh and come to the edge of the country of Edom.  These are the descendants of Esau. Moses asks that they allow Israel, "your brother", to pass through the land.  But, the king of Edom refuses.  So Israel turns away.  At Mount Hor, God summons Aaron and Moses up to the mountain top, and here Aaron dies.  Eleazar is given Aaron's garments and position as high priest.  All of the congregation watch as Moses, Aaron and Eleazar make their way up the mountain. Only 2 come back down.  Israel mourns the death of Aaron for 30 days.

Father in heaven, Your Name is holy.  We need to always treat You as holy and reverence You, especially before others.  Teach us what that means, Lord.  Moses and Aaron failed by asserting themselves in attitudes and actions.  What attitudes and actions are we guilty of that assert our own wills and not Yours?  Holy Spirit come and reveal the truth to us that we might confess and repent of these sins.  If we have anger or impatience, like Moses, will You forgive us and replace it with humility and peace?  Help us to obey Your Word and walk with You in truth.  Lead us not into temptation Lord, but deliver us from evil.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Who has shed His blood for the atonement of all our sin.  Amen

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