Monday, January 12, 2015

Numbers 25-26  The Israelites were camped near the Moabites and began to intermingle with them.  This included worshiping their god - Baal.  The Lord was angry and sent another plague among them, killing 24,000.  One man was so brazen that he brought a Midianite woman to the tabernacle.  Eleazar acted righteously, taking a spear and killing both the man and the woman.  God stopped the plague because of Eleazar's actions.

The Midianites had once been allies with Israel.  Moses had lived with them during the 40 years prior to the Exodus and had married a Midianite woman.  But, things changed over the 40 years in the wilderness.  Midian had joined with Moab against Israel.  They were now immersed in the cultural immorality along with Moab.  They had become the enemy of God and Israel.  Now, God calls Israel to "be hostile to the Midianites and strike them."  They were guilty of tricking Israel into idolatry and immorality.

After this the Lord orders Moses and Eleazar to take a second census of the men of Israel, by tribe.  Chapter 26 records the numbers of each tribe.  Some of the tribes were smaller than they had been;
Rueben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, and Naphtali all were of smaller numbers than before, especially Simeon, who went from 59,300 to 22,200.   The rest of the tribes had increased in number.   In all there were now 601,730 men, aged 20 and older.  Only about 2000 less than the first census.  Of these, only Caleb and Joshua were numbered in both censuses.

Moses is given instructions about the allotment of land when they come into their inheritance.  The larger tribes would receive larger portions and the smaller tribes would receive less land.  The land would be assigned by lot.

Chapter 27 - After clarifying a question about inheritances in the case of a man having only daughters, Moses is told that he will be allowed to look at the land which Israel will be receiving, and then he will die.  Moses asks God to appoint a leader to take his place and Joshua is chosen.  Joshua is commissioned before the whole congregation, standing before Eleazar the priest.

Changes are inevitable. Life does not stand still. Only God remains the same.  Psalm 145 reminds us that  His "kingdom is and everlasting kingdom" and His "dominion endures throughout all generations."   Through all the years, Moses had walked with God faithfully.  But now it was time for a new leader.  Israel had changed, no longer the same men that had started out on this journey, but this new generation still had a lot of problems.   The problem of idolatry and immorality would continue to plague them throughout their existence.

Same with us.  Our lives change.  We start out on a journey through life and before we know it, we are grown up, with families of our own.  Then they grow up and start their own families.  Still, the problem of sin plagues us - tricks us, like the Midianites tricked Israel.  The only  solution is to slay it.  Crucify the flesh.  Paul says, " I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life  which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."  Galatians 2:20

The warning to the Israelites and to us is this - be careful!  Be careful to keep your eyes on the Lord.  Be careful to walk in His ways and to obey His Word.  Be careful to live by faith in the Son of God, leaving behind all the temptations that the evil one tries to trick us with.

Jesus, You are our Savior and King.  Be glorified and honored, for You alone are worthy.  Father in Heaven, we praise and thank You for Your goodness and grace towards us.  Lead us in Your path today.  Forgive us all our sin and purify us, sanctifying us through and through.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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