Friday, January 23, 2015

John 5  After Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, He begins to debate with the Jewish leaders.  John covers a lot of what Jesus has to say and it is all important!

Verses 17-30 - Jesus discusses His relationship to the Father:

- The Father is working and Jesus is working - there is a united effort in bringing the Good News of salvation and the kingdom to earth.   Jesus refers to God as "My Father" and the Jews understand that this is as Jesus "making Himself equal to God".  (verses 17- 18)

-Jesus only does what He sees the Father do and He does it in "like manner" - There is a willing obedience to the Father's will and the Father's ways. (verse 19)

- The Father loves the Son, shows Him what He is doing, and will show Him greater things yet - "that you may marvel".  The Father-Son relationship is just like a father and son on earth, but with a greater purpose. (verse 20)

- The purpose of both the Father and the Son is to "give life".  ( verse 21)

- The Father has given the Son the job of "all judgement".  (verse 22)

- The Father wants the Son to be honored.  If we do not honor the Son, we are dishonoring the Father. (verse 23)

- To hear the word of Jesus and to believe the Father who sent Him is the way to eternal life. ( verse 24)

- The Father has "life in Himself" - He is self-existent, as Tozer would say,  and " He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself ". ( verse 26)

- The Father has given Jesus, the Son of Man,  "authority to execute judgement" ( verse 27)
-That judgement will come at the resurrection - when "those who did good deeds" and "those who committed evil deeds" will be separated - The first to life and the second to judgement.

Yet, even in this task of judgement, Jesus does only the Father's will - and His judgement will be perfectly just. ( verse 30)

Father in heaven, You have revealed these truths to us through the Words of Jesus, the Son.  Help us to grasp the fullness of these truths.  You sent Jesus for the purpose of giving life and to execute judgement.  We need to meditate on these truths that we might understand and know the greatness and glory of Your Son.  Open our eyes to see and our minds to comprehend, in His Name we pray, Amen.

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