Friday, January 9, 2015

Numbers 21-24   There is a definite shift in the narrative of Israel's wilderness wanderings. It begins with chapter 21 when Israel is attacked by the king of Arad, the Canaanite. This leads to :

Israel making a vow to the Lord.
The Lord hears and delivers the Canaanites into Israel's hands.
But, the people become impatient.
They grumble.
The Lord sends fiery serpents against them.
The Lord instructs Moses to make a fiery serpent and to put it on a standard, that all those who are bitten by the fiery serpents may look up at the standard and be spared.   We know that  Jesus refers to this and compares it to Himself being lifted up on the cross... that all who look to Him, on the cross, will be saved. 

Then, Israel travels from place to place.  They defeat the Amorites and take possession of that land.
They also defeated the king of Bashan and possessed his lands .
After this they came to the land of Moab. Balak, the king of Moab tries a different tact... he sends for Balaam to come and curse Israel.  Balaam is a diviner, but he seeks the Word of the Lord.  At first, he refuses to go.  The second time they come for him though, he is allowed to go, but the Lord sends his angel who stops the donkey 3 times.  Balaam continually tells Balak that he can only say what God tells him to say.  3 times he sets up altars and offers sacrifices and 3 times he speaks... each time a blessing on Israel instead of a curse.

Later on Balaam will be killed by Israel.  Peter and Jude both write about the error or sin of Balaam.  Balaam is blamed for leading Israel into sinful immorality and idolatry.

Israel is getting closer to the promised land.  Things are heating up with the nations that they will have to overcome.  The older generation is dying off and the new generation has multiplied greatly.
But the hearts of people are not much different than before.  There is still a propensity to sin.  To grumble and complain.  To seek the pleasures of the world.  To bow to other gods.  They may be winning battles against the outward enemy, but there is no victory over the enemy of the soul.
Nor will there be until Jesus wins the victory through His death and resurrection.

There are lessons to be learned here.  Like Balaam, we must hear the Word of the Lord and speak only what He puts into our mouths to speak.  But, we must be careful to only speak His Truth.  We must guard against the error of Balaam, for even a moment allowing ourselves to be swayed by the riches of the world or to be blind to the ways of the Lord.

Father in heaven, lead us is paths of righteousness. Fill us with Your Spirit that we might walk only the path that You have provided. The narrow way is blocked by so many worldly temptations, it is sometimes hard to find... but You have given to us a Guide, our Lord Jesus Christ, who leads us as a Shepherd.  Thank You and praise Your Name.  Thank you for being merciful and gracious, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  We exalt You and bless Your Name.

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