Thursday, January 22, 2015

John 4   Jesus came from above, from Heaven, to reveal heavenly truths to men.  He said in John 3:11 that He speaks what He knows and bears witness of what He has seen.  Only those who are born of the Spirit will be able to see the Kingdom of God and enter into it.  To be born again, one must believe the testimony of Jesus, looking to Him Who was lifted up.. on the cross.. to give His life for our salvation.   The Father loves the Son and has given " all things into His hands"; yet the Father gave the Son for the world that He loves.  The Son speaks the words of God and gives the Spirit..
"without measure".

So, Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John and when He knows that the Pharisees had heard this... He leaves Judea and goes back to Galilee, by way of Samaria.   Every action and word of Jesus is deliberate.  He is perfectly obedient to the will of the Father.   John writes that ,
 "He had to pass through Samaria".   This action wasn't because there was no other way, for most Jews would bypass Samaria and travel around it, so it was because the Father wanted Him to go this way, that Jesus "had" to go there.

We are told that Jesus was weary from the journey and sat beside well while His disciples went into the city to get some food.  Here He meets the Samaritan woman, whose name we are never told.  We know the story well.
Jesus asks her to draw Him a drink of water.
She is surprised that He even acknowledged her presence.
He tells her that she should have asked Him for living water.  
She wants to know where He could get it since He doesn't have anything to draw with.
Jesus tells her that His water is more important than water from a well, for it brings eternal life. 
She definitely wants water that will make her life easier.
Jesus tells her to go get her husband.
She says that she doesn't have a husband.
Jesus commends her for telling the truth... but that she has had 5 husbands and is living with one that she is not married to.
The woman is becoming aware that this is not an ordinary man... she believes He is a prophet and asks a question about where to worship God.
Jesus reveals a Truth that is a new concept - the argument has always been that worship should be in Jerusalem only... but the Samaritans weren't really welcomed to Jerusalem so they worshiped in the mountains.  Jesus tells her that TRUE worship isn't about a place, it's about a personal relationship with the Father, Who is Spirit.  True worship is about the "spirit and truth", He tells her. 

The woman knows that the Messiah is coming to reveal "all things".   Jesus declares that, " I who speak to you am He".  This is a monumental moment.  And just then the disciples arrive back.
The woman goes back to town to tell everyone else to come and meet Jesus.  Many believe in that town.  Jesus spends 2 days there with them.. and many more "believed because of His word;"

Father in heaven, our God and our King,  You are worthy of all our praise.  Thank You for sending Your Son to reveal the Truth to us on earth.  We worship You in our spirits and in truth.   We are born of the Spirit when we believe in Jesus Christ the Lord of all.  We are made Your children when we call upon Him and receive Him as our Savior and Lord.  How marvelous and precious is the gospel of Christ.  May we wonder anew at the beauty and simplicity of this life changing Truth.
Father, may Your kingdom come that many more will enter in by the new spiritual birth.  May we do Your will as Jesus did, in perfect love and obedience.  Help us Spirit of God, to walk in the Light.
Accomplish Your will in our lives, Lord Jesus.  We pray in Your Name.  Amen.

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