Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John 2  Jesus and His disciples are invited to a wedding.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, is at this wedding and when the wine runs out, she tells Jesus about the problem.  Although Jesus tells her that His hour "has not yet come";   but He still helps solve the problem.  He instructs the servants to fill six stone water pots that hold 20-30 gallons each, and then to serve from them.  This turns out to be the finest wine served.  The servants and the disciples are the only ones to know where this wine has come from.  Verse 11 says, " This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him." 

Glory - in the Greek doxa - meaning dignity, honor;  a mark of divine power and majesty.  The Hebrew meaning is to recognize the weight or importance of another.   To say that Christ began to manifest His glory - then means that He begins to reveal His importance;  He is worthy of honor and praise.   And this is what the disciples believed.

After staying a few days in Capernaum,  Jesus heads to Jerusalem for the Passover.  His first message is delivered with actions - He clears the temple of the money-changers and merchants.   His zeal for the temple of the Lord is a sign of His position as Messiah,  although the religious leaders do not recognize that.  Instead they confront Him, questioning His authority to do such a thing.  They miss the sign - and ask for another...

Jesus only tells them that He will raise up "The Temple" in 3 days. ..speaking of His own body.
Of course they don't understand that either.  Jesus does many other signs there in Jerusalem and many believed in His Name, in His authority and His character.

Jesus, on the other hand, did not "entrust" Himself - believe in- them, in men.  ".. for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man for He Himself knew what was in man."  The word entrust and the word believe are both the same Greek word - pisteuo - to have faith, to respect a person or thing, to credit or entrust..   Jesus can be trusted because of Who He is known to be - His authority - which is over all the heavens and all the earth- was given to Him by the Father.  His character is perfect - without sin, full of grace and truth.  No other man can be fully trusted - for all men are flawed - "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
( Romans 3:23)

Father in heaven, You are worthy of all our praise and honor.  We lift up our voices to give You praise and thanksgiving.  Thank You for revealing Your glory in Christ Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God.   He came to be Light and to bring Life.  May we see His manifest glory and believe... to know His power and authority.  May we know in a new and deeper way the importance of Who He is and  be transformed by the Truth.  Renew our minds to receive and believe what our eyes cannot perceive.
Come Holy Spirit and fill us anew today.  May we walk in the Light as He is in the Light.  May we honor You with all we do and say today Father.  Amen.

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