Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Numbers 28-31  The Lord reviews the Laws for presenting offerings .  There were daily offerings, monthly offerings, and special feast day offerings.  It was a massive amount of sheep, bulls, and goats that would be required.  Plus, grain, oil, and wine.  The largest of these would be during the 7th month, the day of Atonement and the feast of trumpets.  " You shall present these to the Lord at your appointed times, besides your votive offerings and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings and for your grain offerings and for your libations an for your peace offerings." ( 29:39)  It was all spelled out for them and they were reminded to be careful to observe them.

Think about the tent, with its altar, sitting in the middle of the encampment.  The daily offerings were sacrificed every morning and every evening.  Even if no other offerings were presented that day, the aroma would be present in the camp every day.  A reminder that God was there in their midst and that He required sacrifices; that He required worship; that He had called them out of Egypt to serve Him and to be His people.  The sacrifices offered on the first of each month would remind them that He was in command of not only their days, but their months and years.  The special feasts - Passover, the Feast of weeks, and the Feast of Trumpets would be reminders of their Exodus from slavery, the blessing of a new harvest, and the satisfaction of a completed harvest time.  They would rejoice in His provisions and honor Him for all that He provided.  They also would be reminded of their constant need for atonement as the sin offerings were presented.

The Lord gave Moses some clarification on the law of vows in chapter 30 and then sent Israel out to take revenge on Midian. 12,000 men were sent to war.  They killed all the men and brought back all the women and children.  But, because the women had been involved in the immorality and idolatry that had caused the plague in Peor, Moses ordered all the women who were not virgins to be killed.  Also, all the boys were killed too.  That left only young girls, 32,000 of them.  Not one of the Israelite soldiers were killed and the officers gave gifts to the Lord in thanksgiving.

Father in heaven,  may Your Name be honored and exalted today in our midst.  May we remember that You are here, with us and in us, that Your Spirit fills us;  that we are Your temple.   Let the aroma of Christ fill our lives that we might be a reminder to others of Who You are and what You require of us.  You don't require bulls and sheep and goats, but You require that we do justice and that we love mercy and that we walk humbly with You.  You require us to love You with all our hearts, souls, spirits and strength;  to present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices, acceptable to You, for this is our spiritual service of worship.  You require us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  So, here we are Lord.  Fully Yours.  Do what You desire in our lives today.  In the Name of  Jesus, the perfect and final sacrifice, we come to You.  Amen.

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