Monday, January 26, 2015

John 5:33-47  Jesus continues to unpack the truth about who He is and His relationship with the Father.  The Jews were questioning His authority and Jesus provided "witnesses" to testify on His behalf.  In verse 31 He stated that, " If I alone bear witness of Myself, My testimony is not true."  So, He gives them other witnesses, just not what they expected:

John ( the Baptist) was the first witness that they had already questioned.  Jesus confirms that John's testimony was true.

Jesus declares that the second witness that they should believe is His Works - " the very works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me."   He healed the sick, raised the dead, made the blind see and the lame walk.  These miracles testified of His identity as the Messiah, the sent One.  They knew the prophecies, they should have known this and recognized Him .

The Father Himself is the next witness.  If they were listening to the Father, Yahweh,  and hearing His voice, they would know this.  But they were out of relationship with the Father too.

The Scriptures were important to the Jewish leaders and they studied them carefully, but they used them for their own purposes and skipped over or explained anything that would have led them to the Truth of Who Jesus is.

The fact is, they didn't believe God and they wouldn't believe Jesus.  There were obstacles that prevented them from receiving real life :
They were unwilling.
They didn't love God.
They wanted glory from men more than from God.
They claimed to know the Law, but they didn't really believe Moses either.

Jesus points out the real problem - self-centeredness and unbelief.   They liked being important and respected.  They weren't willing to give up "self" and Jesus would require them to lay all of that down, take up a cross and follow Him.  Instead of searching their own hearts and getting right with God, they chose to accuse Him and eventually kill Him.   Men will go to any extent to protect their pride.

Father in heaven,  You are merciful and kind to us.  You have shown us the truth and set us free from our own selfishness and pride.  We cannot save ourselves.  We cannot deliver ourselves from this sinfulness of "self".   But, You sent Your Son to reveal the whole Truth.  Our only hope is You.  You love us and want the best for us and that only comes through receiving Your Son and believing Your Word.  Believing that You love us.  And when we come to You, laying down our "self" will be the best thing we ever do.  So simple and yet so hard for prideful mankind.  Lead us Lord God.  Give us strength in our inner selves to empty ourselves of everything and allow Christ to fill us to the full with Himself.    Amen..

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