Friday, January 16, 2015

John 1  "In the beginning...."   Jesus, the Word, the Divine Expression of God, existed with God and "was God".   He was there in the creation.  He contains "life".   He is the source of light.  On the first day of creation we are told that the heavens and the earth were dark and without form.  It had no life. Until God spoke, " Let there be light."   Light came - without a sun or moon or star.   Light, that cannot be overcome or comprehended or conquered by darkness.   Darkness gives way to light, not the opposite.

Thankful for that Truth. Praise to our God, our Heavenly Father, who "is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all." ( I John 1:5)

Jesus is "the true light" who came into the world.  He is the Word who became flesh.  He came to bring "grace and truth".  He came to explain God.  He came to those He created, to His own, and they did not know Him or receive Him.  " But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His Name. " ( v12)  

To receive - to take hold of and accept the Name, the authority, of Jesus Christ,  is the means to new birth.  This is the truth that John bore witness to.  Note what is said about John:
He was sent from God. -v6
He came to bear witness of the Light. - v 7
He was not the light.
He bore witness that Jesus was of a higher rank than him.
He bore witness that Jesus existed before him. - v15
He confessed that He was not the Christ. - v20
He testified that the One - the Christ :  stood among them; was unknown to them; and was exalted above them all. - v26
He proclaimed that Jesus is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" - v29
He bore witness that he saw the Spirit descend and remain on Jesus, a sign that He is the Son of God and the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. -v32-34

Like John, we are sent by God to bear testimony, to be a witness of the Truth about Jesus.
We are to proclaim that He is greater than us!
We are to proclaim that He is eternal and that He eternally reigns.
We are to proclaim salvation through His sacrifice as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
We are to bear witness that He baptizes those who believe with the Holy Spirit.
We are to keep proclaiming that He is the true Light.  That grace and truth are in Christ alone.  And that those who receive Him, believing in His Name and authority, are given the right to be called God's children.

To walk in the Light as He is in the Light, is to walk in this Truth.

Father, You are holy and perfect.  Thank You for giving us Jesus, the Light of the World, the living Word, the Lamb Who was slain.  You are worthy of all our praise.

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