Monday, February 2, 2015

John 9 Jesus heals the man who was born blind.  Jesus says that the purpose of this miracle is to display the works of God.  Everything that Jesus did and what He was teaching his disciples to do was for this one purpose - to do the works of God.... to be Light .

The Pharisees still couldn't accept Jesus because they were spiritually blind, although they thought that they could  see... Their questioning of the formerly blind man and his parents show just how hard they tried to go around the truth.  If they were being truthful they could in no way deny the fact that Jesus was the Messiah.  No other could do the things He did.  They knew it, but refused to allow themselves to believe. They were working harder to NOT believe than if they had just accepted the truth.

Jesus says that He came into the world to bring sight to the blind and to make those who see - blind.
The blind man had no problem admitting his blindness.  He was willing to do whatever it took to have his sight.
But the Pharisees wouldn't even admit their blindness.  They didn't want to see any differently.
Jesus said to them, " If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, ' We see', your sin remains."  ( v 41) .

Father in heaven, help us to have sound judgement and understanding of spiritual things.  Lead us to recognize our own blindness and come to the Healer to have our eyes opened.  We are so thankful that Your Works are still being accomplished and Your purposes still being fulfilled.  Shine Your Light into our lives and into our churches so that many will come to the Truth.  We ask this Jesus in Your Name. amen.

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