Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Numbers 32-36  The journey has been long, but Israel is finally ready to gain their inheritance.  The tribes of Rueben, Gad, and Manasseh ask and are granted land on the east side of the Jordan.  The men are committed to going across the Jordan and helping the rest of Israel possess the land there, but their families will stay and establish homes in this area.   Moses writes down all the places that they have dwelt over the 40 years of traveling.  The Levites are provided cities and land in each tribe's possession.  Cities of refuge are established.  And, finally,  provision for keeping a tribe's inheritance in the family is clarified in the case of a man having no sons.

The last words of Moses, a review of the Law, will be delivered ( the book of Deuteronomy) and then Moses will die.  After that Joshua will lead Israel into the land of promise.

The book of Numbers has shown us that God is very detailed and organized when it comes to His people.  He set up specific men to lead.  He defended His chosen leaders.  He punished the rebellious.  He became angry with the grumblers and arrogant.  And,  He keeps His promises.

Israel changed from a mob of miserable slaves to an organized nation.  They have armies.  They have a tabernacle.  They have Laws.  They have a system of government .  And, most importantly.. they have The Lord their God.

Father, You know our names.  You know our lands.  You have placed us in families and in nations.  You have a purpose and plan for each of us.  May we be obedient and faithful to live for You every day.  Be in our midst and lead us in Your paths that we might do Your will.  Open our eyes to see You and to glorify You.  May we continually worship You, day and night, with sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving.  May we offer intercession for those we come into contact with and bring every request to You, for You know what we have need of.   Draw nearer Lord.  Thank You for the Truth of Your Word.  Thank You for giving us Your Spirit to come along side us and teach us.  Thank You for the Son, Who is our perfect Savior and King.  In His Name we pray, amen.

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