Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Numbers 8-9  The Levites are brought before the tabernacle and cleansed, set apart for service and presented as a gift to Aaron and his sons for the work of ministry.  Then the people celebrated Passover.  It had been a year since they left Egypt.  They now had a government (of sorts), laws, a tabernacle, and an organized community.   When the tabernacle was set up the pillar of cloud/fire that had led them, now settled on it.   When the cloud lifted they would move.  When it settled then they would stop and camp,  sometimes for a day, sometimes a month, or even longer.  This was the symbol of God's Presence and His directions.

Don't you sometimes wish it was that evident?  Live life with the complete assurance that this is exactly where God wants you to be... moving only when the cloud/fire moves.
Yet, we have the Spirit of God, who dwells in us, to do this very same thing.
When He moves, we are supposed to move.
When He settles, we are supposed to settle.
He is God's Presence, made manifest in our lives.
He is the One who is directing us, when we let Him...

If we acknowledge Him, if we hear His voice, if we obey His directions, if we "walk in the Spirit" .... we can have that same absolute assurance of God's Presence and desires for us.. plus He gives us so much more!
The Spirit of God knows the mind of God and will lead us in His Perfect ways.
The Spirit of God knows the inner most cries of our hearts and will pray for us when we have no words.
The Spirit of God produces new life in us and then produces the fruit of righteousness in us - love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, faithfulness and joy...
The Spirit of God gives us the power in our inner selves to crucify the flesh and to allow the fulness of Jesus Christ to live in us.

Come Holy Spirit and fill us today!  What we cannot see with our physical eyes, help us to see with spiritual eyes.   May we fully yield to You.  Thank You Father for the Counselor who has been given to us through the Lord Jesus Christ, in who's name we pray. Amen.

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