Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Luke 18:9-17  Jesus tells a parable about two men in the temple, praying.   One, a tax-collector, a despised agent for the Romans,  a sinful, corrupt, and greedy man.  The other one is a Pharisee, a religious man, well educated, wealthy, an expert in Jewish Law.   Both men come to the temple to pray.

The Pharisee prays to himself - "God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax-gatherer . I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get...."
His prayer is full of himself.  He thanks God, but he really doesn't credit God for anything. Nor does he ask God for anything.

The tax-gatherer prays this way, " God, be merciful to me, the sinner."  His eyes cannot even look up towards heaven and he is beating his breast.   Here is true humility.  He surrenders himself fully to the Lord, confessing that he is a sinner in need of a Savior.  He has no other hope.

This one, Jesus says, is the one who goes home justified.  The first man did not seek God's justification, for he justified himself.  The second man had no doubt of his need for the Lord's mercy.
And so must we.

".. for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted."

It takes a humbling of self to come to the kingdom of God, " like a child".

The rich young ruler in verses 18-24 doesn't know how to do that either.  He wants to know.  He has tried to keep the commandments.  But, he is unwilling to come without his wealth.

A child comes to his father with nothing... he comes to receive what he cannot purchase, earn, or keep for himself.  He comes, trusting that his father will provide.  He comes without fear and without worry.  God has all things in His Hand and He is willing to give us all that we need. This is the only true way to come to our heavenly Father.

Bartimaeus understood this.  Here he was, a blind beggar, who ignored the crowd and called out to Jesus for mercy.   When Jesus stopped and asked him what he wanted, Bartimaeus did not hesitate to ask for what he needed, "Lord, I want to regain my sight!"   And Jesus answered him, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well." 

Here again we see faith in action - a beggar begging for what he needed most - his sight.   A pray-er praying with perseverance until the Lord does the impossible for him. 

God, grant us ears to hear!

Father in heaven,  give to us our daily bread, what we need for today.  Give to us true faith and abundant love and grace.  Create in us a clean heart, a humbled heart that doesn't justify itself, but bows before the only One who can wash us clean and fill us with holiness. Holy Spirit come and fill us today with Yourself.  Fill us with Your Word, the Truth that leads to life.  We give all praise to You, Father God.  We ask that You be glorified and lifted up. That all men will be drawn to You.
In Jesus Christ, our Rock, we stand and come before You.  For there is no other way, amen.

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