Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Numbers 14
The people cried when they heard the report from the 10 spies.
They continued to weep that night.
Then they started to grumble.
That led to rebellion.

Moses and Aaron fell on their faces.
Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes in mourning.

But when the rebels pick up stones to stone them, the Lord appears.

God gets angry when His people grumble; when they are greedy; when they are arrogant; and when they forget Who He is and what He has done.  He is ready to smite them all,  but Moses intervenes for them.
He prays that the Lord's Name not be dishonored by other nations,  that they might think that God was not able to bring the people to the land that He promised them. 
He prays that "the power of the Lord be great..."
He prays, reminding the Lord that He has declared Himself, " slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and forgiving..."
He prays that God would forgive "this people according to the greatness of Thy lovingkindness.." 

And God listens to Moses' prayer and forgives. But there is still  a consequence for those who would not listen and who spurned Him.. they would never enter into the promised land.  Every one who had been numbered, all those over 20 years old, would die in the wilderness. Over 600,000 men would die in the wilderness.
Only Joshua and Caleb would be able to enter, because of their "different spirit".  They followed God fully, so they would enter the land, along with all of the children.
But it would take 40 years in the wilderness for that to happen.
40 years of suffering " for your unfaithfulness" God tells the men.
40 years of bearing their guilt.
40 years of knowing the "opposition" of God.

The 10 men who had brought the bad report and stirred up the rebellion died immediately.
The people decided that they would go up and claim the land after all... again not listening to what the Lord had said.  Moses warns them that the Lord will not go with them, but they do it anyway.. and are struck down and run off.

The anger of the Lord is something that we need to think about and pay attention to. We are supposed to "fear" God.  That is the beginning of wisdom!
We need to know that God does get angry when we act like the Israelites did:
When we become discontent and greedy...
When we grumble and complain...
When we become arrogant and prideful.
When we rebel against Him.
When we refuse to trust Him.

God's anger is something that we cannot stand against .  We will die, just like the rebels in the wilderness.  It may be quickly or it may take 40 years, but we will die and most of all we will miss out on the wonderful blessings that He would have given us.. if we would only believe and follow Him fully.

Father in heaven, holy and hallowed is Your Name.  May it never be dishonored!  May Your kingdom come.. Reign over us, your servants, that we will know Your power and authority.  That we might do Your will.  Forgive us for grumbling and complaining.  Forgive our discontent and pride.  Restore us precious Lord by Your lovingkindness and goodness.  To walk according to Your Spirit in us.  Deliver us from the evil one and lead us in the righteous paths.  In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen

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