Friday, December 19, 2014

Numbers 6
Verses 1-21 give the instructions for taking a special vow, called a Nazarite vow.   It is a voluntary time of separation, of dedication to the Lord.
This was open to men or women.  There were certain requirements - no wine or liquor could be consumed;  no vinegar or grape products could be consumed; they could not go near any who died during the time of their separation, even a parent or brother or sister; they could not cut their hair during that time.
When the time of separation was completed, the nazarite would offer specific sacrifices, after shaving off all his hair on his head at the door of the tabernacle.  ( It doesn't say what  a woman would do.)

Samson was a Nazarite from birth and John the Baptist may have been one too.  Samuel also was a Nazarite.  Special assignments were given to these men, as they separated themselves for the Lord.
Those who separate themselves like this are called, "holy to the Lord".  In Acts 21 Paul joins 4 others in a vow that appears to be a Nazarite vow, and a time of purification is completed.

We are called to be separated from the things of this world, to be holy to the Lord, every day as Christians.  We don't necessarily follow the rules for a Nazarite vow, in fact Jesus tells us not to take vows unless we can keep them.   But, would this be something useful to us in our walk of faith?
Some Christians have become interested in a vow of sorts at the time we call "Lent".   Sacrificing a certain food or activity... a time of "separation", if you like.  I'm not sure what I think of that.  I have never done it, nor felt compelled to do it.  But, I don't think it is a bad thing if you want to.  There are also Christians that observe a time of fasting, for similar reasons. This definitely is something of great value to us as we are walking this walk of faith.

Verses 22-27 give a special blessing that Aaron and the priests were to pray over their congregation - the sons of Israel.
" The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you,
and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you, 
and give you peace.

So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them."

I love this blessing.  The priests are commanded to speak this over the nation.  They seemed to fail at this.  It is something so valuable - a prayer we can pray over our families and friends that could change their lives and ours! 

The Lord, the great I AM, the self-existing and Mighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, 

may He bless you - may He prosper you - ( Deuteronomy 28: 1-14) :
in the city and in the country; 
by the offspring of your body and by the produce of your ground;
by the increase of your herds and your flocks;  
may your basket and kneading bowl be blessed;  
may you be blessed "when you come in and blessed... when you go out."  Deuteronomy 28:6.   
May your enemies be defeated.  
Blessing upon your barns and blessing upon your work. 
Blessed to be a holy people, called by His Name.  
"The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand;..." Deut. 28:12  

And may He keep you:
Keep - ( shamar) - to hedge about; guard, protect, tend; to preserve and watch and save... 

May He make His face shine on you and lift up His countenance on you -  to look with favor and goodness towards you;  The Light of His glorious face - flowing in your direction!

May He be gracious to you - to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; bestowing favor towards you; having pity and compassion on you;

May He give you peace - May He call down and heap up and bestow -shalom : safety, wellness; happiness; health and prosperity; make you whole and well. 

This is what the Lord wants for His people!  And this is what He will do when His people obey His Word.  This is a prayer that we know He hears and will answer.  So, lets pray it!

Father in Heaven, how wonderful and kind You are!  Thank You for wanting to bless us and keep us, for wanting all of this for us as Your people.  May we live in the Light of Your Grace and Kindness.  In Your Kingdom, doing Your will.  Do bless us with daily provisions and daily forgiveness.  Lead us in lives of diligent obedience to Your Word and deliver us from the traps and enticements of the evil one.  Bless our families.  Keep us in Your care as Your sheep. May we seek Your face and see Your glory every day.  And grant to us Your grace and peace.  We ask this in the Name of the Holy Son of God, Jesus our Lord.  Amen. 

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