Monday, December 8, 2014

Luke 19:11-27  The Lord is nearing Jerusalem for the last time.  His followers think that He will set us His kingdom.  But, He tells them another parable..
3 characters are introduced - the nobleman; the slaves; the citizens.
The nobleman is going to another distant country to receive a kingdom for himself.
Before he leaves, he gives a mina ( a hundred days wages) to each of his 10 slaves and instructs them to do business with them.
The citizens send a delegation after the nobleman, telling him that they don't want him to reign over them.

When the nobleman, now a king, returns home he takes inventory of his slaves actions.
The 1st slave did really well.  He made the 1 mina earn 9 more and is rewarded richly with authority over 10 cities in the kingdom.
The 2nd slave also did well.  He earned 4 more minas with his 1 and is rewarded with authority over 5 cities.
The 3rd slave did not do anything with his mina.  He kept it hidden, afraid of the master.  Because he failed to do anything at all for the master, he loses everything. His mina is given to the 1st slave.
Then the master deals with the citizens who had sent the message that they did not want him to rule over them.  They are brought in and killed.

The nobleman represents Jesus - who went away, but will return to rule as King forever.
The slaves would be all those who are disciples of Christ.  He has given us gifts and the responsibility to use those gifts wisely and well.
The slave who did not do anything with his money is like one who doesn't really believe that the Master is going to return or doesn't care to do anything for the Master.
The citizens would be all other people, those who reject Christ's reign; who have made themselves His enemies - they will be destroyed.

Those words in verse 27 need to be emphasized, "... these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence."   They condemned themselves to destruction by refusing Him as their King.  Here is the essence of sin.  Satan did not want God to be King over him.... and he was cast out of heaven.  He will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity.  His judgement is certain and final. People who do not want to bow to the rule of Christ Jesus are under condemnation for the same sin.  God's Word is final - unless we humble ourselves and submit to His Lordship, we also will be cast out and thrown into the lake of fire.  

Our only hope is Jesus.  He has come to deliver us from this condemnation. It is through His death and resurrection that we are saved from destruction.  Then we are brought into His Kingdom and will enter into eternity with Him.  This is the good news of Christmas!  Christ is Lord! He is King!
That is a fact and we either accept it or refuse it.
We either bow before Him and be obedient to His commands...
or we refuse and stay condemned.

Father in heaven, may Your Name be honored..  You are the Righteous King, the Holy One, Mighty God and Glorious Savior.  We honor You by bowing before Your anointed One, Jesus Christ the Lord.  May Your Kingdom come in all its fulness!  May Your reign be established in our lives, in our families, in our country, and in our world today.  May Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.  O Lord, help us to be good and faithful servants, taking all You have provided for us and using it for Your glory.  Help us to know, personally, what that means to each of us today.  Help me to use all You have given to me- as a good servant.   Give to us today our needed food.  Forgive us today for our sins.  We let go of every debt and forgive those who have sinned against us.  Lead us away from those obstacles and temptations that keep us from righteousness.  And deliver us from evil. Especially deliver us from refusing to bow to our King in any and all matters.  For Christ Jesus is King and it is in His Name we pray. Amen.

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