Monday, December 22, 2014

Numbers 7  Moses finished setting up the tabernacle.  Then the 12 leaders of the tribes of Israel brought offerings.  They first brought 6 covered carts and 12 oxen which are presented to the Levites for their work in carrying the tabernacle.
 2 of the carts went to the Gershonites, who carried the tent and all its hangings.
 4 went to the family of Merari who carried all the framework for the tabernacle, including the pillars.  The family of Kohath could not use a cart to carry the ark and other furniture. Those had to be carried on their shoulders.  ( This is what David failed to do the first time he tried to have the ark brought to Jerusalem which resulted in the death of one of the Levites.)

Then the 12 tribal leaders each presented the other offerings, one tribe each day for 12 days.  Each brought:
A silver dish and a silver bowl each filled with fine flour and oil ;
A gold pan with incense;
A bull, a ram, and a lamb for a burnt offering;
A goat for a sin offering;
2 oxen, 5 rams, 5 male goats, and  5 male lambs for a peace offering.

When the 12 days were over Moses went into the tabernacle and spoke with God.  And there in the Holy of Holies, before the ark of the covenant, He heard God's voice.

I wonder at how they were able to bring all these items... Here they were in the wilderness, released from captivity for the first time in 400 years.  Overflowing with silver and gold and flour, oil, incense, and animals.  They had been truly blessed by God's provisions. This was a new life, God was doing a new thing that had never been seen before; a new tabernacle and a new relationship with Him.

God is good at making things new.  He ordered the seasons so that every year we experience new life in the spring time - new growth on the trees; new flowers and grass.  Just yesterday, a newlywed young woman, exasperated over the inquiries of whether or not she was pregnant yet, declared that NO, she was not.... and a comment was made about how the church really must like babies... and I thought, yes, yes we do... we love to see new life!

As 2014 comes to an end.. I find myself anticipating a NEW year.  This year has had some struggles and some great joys... and next year will probably bring more of the same, because that it how life is.. but I am looking forward to what new things that God wants to do - in me; in my family; in the church; and in His Kingdom.

 Isaiah 43:18-19 " Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."  Our God, The Holy One, The Creator, our King, the one who can make a path through a sea.. declares that He will pour water on thirsty land and His Spirit on our children.  He can make a new way for us, through whatever the new year holds...   He is the first and the last, He declares; there is none like Him, there is no other God, there is no other Rock.  He is doing a new thing... and oh how I want Him to do that in us!

Father, have Your way in me.  Do all you desire to do, that I might be filled with Your Spirit and encompassed by Your Presence.  Come, Lord Jesus and dwell in me.  All I am and all I have is Yours.
I offer myself, a living and holy sacrifice... in Christ I pray. Amen.

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