Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Numbers 3-5;  These 3 books record the numbers, responsibilities, and positions for the tribe of Levi.
God took for Himself all of the Levites.  They were substituted for all the first-born sons of the other tribes and set aside for service to the Lord.   Aaron's sons were the only ones that could be priests.  Since Nadab and Abihu died when they offered the wrong incense, that left Eleazar and Ithamar.   The rest of the Levites were divided into 3 groups,  Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.  Each family would have specific responsibilities in service to the the Lord.
Gershon's clan would be in charge of the tabernacle itself, including the tent, the screen for the doorway, and the hangings of the court.
Kohath's clan would be responsible for the ark, the table, the lamp stand, the altars and the utensils.
Eleazar the priest would oversee their work.
Merari's clan was put in charge of the frames and bars, pillars and sockets on which the tent and curtains hung.
Ithamar the priest was director over them.
The work regarding the tabernacle was very organized and specialized.  Moses was instructed to be so specific that he would "assign each man by name the items he is to carry."  These men would be either "serving" or "carrying" while active in performing their duties.  They would work from the time they turned 30 until they were 50.  Their work was sacred and they had to be very careful in handling the "holy things" of God.  Everything was wrapped and carried so that no one would look upon the ark or the other holy items from the Holy of Holies.  They couldn't be touched or exposed.
Although the Levites were not an army like the men from the other tribes, their work could be just as dangerous, for they risked offending the Lord on a daily basis.

Do we think of Him like that?  Do we realize that we risk offending God when we are not careful of His "holy things"?   The ark was the mercy seat, the symbol of God's Presence among His people.   Jesus Christ is our mercy seat... God with us.. Emmanuel.  Are we careful with Him?  Do we carry Him with us with great care and fear?  Or do we drag Him along like a rag doll, a loved but well used security blanket?

God gives us each an assignment.  It is not the same for each one of us.  Some carry and some serve.
But no matter what our responsibility is, we are called to respond according to His command... with love and kindness;  with humility and patience.  Those called to bear heavy burdens are just as important as those who carry the holy utensils...  We who are called to serve, by being wives and mothers, teachers, or care-givers... are no more or less important than those who care for the physical needs of buildings and lawns and such..  Paul says in Romans 12,  " Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly...";  according to faith; with liberality, with diligence, and with cheerfulness. (verses 6-8).

Father, we honor and worship You alone.  You are holy and majestic and full of glory.  May Your Name be hallowed and may Your kingdom come and expand into all of our hearts more and more.  Rule over us!  Completely.  May Your good and perfect will be done today.  We pray this in Your Name Jesus.  For You are our King. Amen.

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