Thursday, December 11, 2014

Luke 22-24  The last supper is completed.  The betrayal is finalized.  The denial is concluded.
The scourging is executed.  The judgement is rendered. The sentence is carried out.
The prophesies are fulfilled.

Jesus, the Son of Man, accomplished the whole purposes of God.
Every Word spoken in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms... every word that spoke of Him.. is finished!

Our Savior took on flesh to do this very act.. to be crucified on a cross... to give His life.. to have His body broken and  His blood poured out.. for our redemption. 

The disciples had hoped that Jesus was going to accomplish the redemption of Israel... but Jesus came to do more than that, He came to accomplish the redemption of all mankind... to all who would call upon Him and be saved... "...that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed
in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem."  ( 24:47)

Our Great and Gracious Father, You have given to us this great salvation through Your beloved Son.  Our Lord is seated at Your " right hand of the power of God" We praise You!  We worship the King of kings and Lord of lords!   Father, may we also have our eyes opened to Your Presence,  our minds opened to understand the Scriptures,  and our hearts opened to faith that does not fail, that is not slow to believe, that does not let doubts arise.  Clothe us with power from on high- Holy Spirit fill us again! Strengthen us in our inner man.  We ask this in the precious Name of Jesus, our King.

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