Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Numbers 10 : 1-10  The Lord instructed Moses to make 2 silver trumpets.  Not ram's horns, but hammered silver trumpets.  Think about that for a second... they are in the wilderness.  They are a sea of people that will live and travel together for 40 years; and God simply has 2 trumpets made that will  be used to help direct them.
When both trumpets are blown, the whole congregation is to gather at the tabernacle.
When only one is blown, just the leaders are to come.
Alarms are sounded when they are to break camp and move out.
Another alarm is used when an enemy attacks.. " that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and be saved from your enemies."
The trumpet is blown for feasts and for the 1st day of the month. It is blown for sacrifices and offerings. " ... as a reminder of you before God." 
It was the sons of Aaron, the priests, who were assigned to blow the trumpets.

There is coming a time when another trumpet will sound.  At that trumpet's blast the dead in Christ will rise and those still alive will join them to  meet Him in the air.  ( I Thessalonians 4:16)

There is also a time coming when 7 angels will be given 7 trumpets.  When each of those trumpets sound a great judgement is poured out on the earth.  Hail and fire and blood; a mountain of fire thrown into the sea; a bitter, poisonous star that affects the water; the destruction of the sun and the moon and the stars; the opening of the bottomless pit; armies of destroyers;  and then the last trumpet is sounded.  But this trumpet sound announces the reign of our Lord and of Jesus Christ forever and ever. ( Revelation 8-11)

The people of Israel had to listen for the sound of the trumpets.  They had to be ready and to obey.  They had to trust that when the trumpet was giving a warning that God would remember them and act for them.   There is a great example of this in II Chronicles 13.  A battle between Israel, let by the wicked king Jeroboam, and Judah, let by Abijah.  It was the tribe of Judah that worshiped the Lord and Israel had turned to false gods.  Israel had 800,000 warriors and Judah only had 400,000.  Yet Abijah trusted God and when they sounded the trumpets and cried to the Lord... He answered and gave them victory.  Their victory was given because they trusted the Lord.

The introduction of these silver trumpets into the nation's everyday life, as well as into particular situations, is significant and foreshadows the future return of Christ.  As "priests" of Christ we must also learn to sound the trumpets.  To somehow lead others to listen for the Lord's commands.  He wants to gather us to Himself.  He wants to warn us of the enemy.  He wants us to follow where He leads.  And He wants us to be ready for the trumpet sound that announces that He has come for us!

Father, You are the Lord, and Your will and ways are perfect.  Teach us today what You desire for us to know about You and about Jesus our coming King.  Holy Spirit, help us to understand the significance of these trumpets.  And most of all, complete in us the work that only You can do ;that we might be ready for the trumpet sound that is coming.  May Your Kingdom come soon, we pray in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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