Monday, December 1, 2014

Luke 18:1-8  Jesus tells a parable about praying with perseverance.   A judge,  an unjust and unrighteous judge, who has no reverence or fear of God and no respect or regard for people is hounded by  a widow for a righteous judgement.  Will a man such as this ever be able to provide such a ruling?  Only when it benefits himself....   So, he does eventually help her, not for her sake, but for his own.

In contrast, Jesus tells us that God, Who is Just, will of course do justice for His own, His "elect".
He will bring justice.
He will not delay.
He will act "speedily".

" However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
Like the woman, who came continually to the judge until he moved on her behalf,  the elect are the ones who, " cry to Him day and night..."  Praying with perseverance.  That is what faith does.. it keeps believing in the righteousness and justice of God.  It keeps crying out to the One who has chosen us to be His own.  It keeps asking, seeking, and knocking.  Faith never gives up. 

Importunity - urgent, insisting, persistent, refusing to be denied.  E.M. Bounds writes,
" Importunate prayer is a mighty movement of the soul toward God. It is a stirring of the deepest forces of the soul, toward the throne of heavenly grace . It is the ability to hold on, press on, and wait.  Restless desire, restful patience, and strength of grasp are all embraced in it.  It is not an incident, or a performance, but a passion of soul.  It is not a want, half-needed, but a sheer necessity."  

He goes on to  say this, " Christian people are prayerful, the worldly-minded, prayerless.  Christians call on God; worldliness ignore God, and call not on His name.  But even the Christian had need to cultivate continual prayer.  Prayer must be habitual, but much more than a habit.  It is a duty, yet one which rises far above, and goes beyond the ordinary implications of the term.  It is the expression of a relation to God, a yearning for divine communion. It is the outward and upward flow of the inward life toward its original fountain. It is an assertion of the soul's paternity, a claiming of sonship, which links man to the eternal." 

And, " God waits patiently as, day and night, his elect cry unto Him.  He is moved by their requests a thousand times more that this unjust judge. A limit is set to tarrying, by the importunate praying of his people, and the answer richly given.  God finds faith in his praying child - the faith which stays and cries - and he honors it by permitting its further exercise, to the end that it is strengthened and enriched.  Then he rewards it by granting the burden of its plea, in plenitude and finality. "

Prayer is so much more than a few whispered words of thanks at a meal, or a listing of names that we ask God to bless.... although that is important too.  What are the "sheer necessity" desires of our hearts that we will cry out to Him day and night for?  What are the righteous judgements that we must have?  Are we desperate for the righteous Judge of all heaven and earth to move on our behalf?
These are the prayers we must not neglect.

Father in heaven,  Jesus taught His disciples and us to pray this way... May Your Name be honored, may Your Kingdom come, may Your will be done.  Give to us our daily bread, forgive our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
This we offer to you.  We desire to come to You in prayer with our hearts fully engaged, our minds fully focused, and our faith fixed firmly on You.   Lead us deeper Lord God. Into the divine communion that You desire for Your elect.
In the Name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ we come,

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