Monday, December 15, 2014

Numbers 1-2  Back to the Old Testament ... and a book that is, well, not a favorite of many.  Yet, it is here and it is God's Word; and we see more of God revealed, that we may know Him more and have more reasons to praise Him!

It is the second year of Israel's journey from Egypt.  The Law has been given and the covenant made. Moses is told to take a census of the men from every tribe.  All men from 20 years and up. Those who will serve as the army of God.  Each of the 12 families/ tribes are appointed a leader.  God Himself appoints them by name. 
Names that we are not familiar with:
Elizur, from the family of Reuben
Shelumiel, from the family of Simeon,
Nahshon, from the family of Judah,
Nethanel, from the family of Issachar,
Eliab, from the family of Zebulun,
Elishama, from the family of Ephraim, Joseph's son
Gamaliel, from the family of Manasseh, Joseph's other son,
Abidan, from the family of Benjamin,
Ahiezer, from the family of Dan,
Pagiel, from the family of Asher,
Eliasaph, from the family of Gad,
and Ahira, from the family of Naphtali.

Designated by name. Appointed as leaders.  Chosen by God.

And, why do I list them?  Because the Lord did.  Because this is how He works.  They will lead an army of 603,550 men.  With women and children along side them, they will travel to the Promised Land.  It is a formidable task.  It is a great responsibility.

The Lord has a plan and it is organized and efficient.  Each tribe, or family group is arranged into a specific place to camp and to travel.  And in the very center will be the tribe of Levi.  They were not counted with the others.  They will not fight as an army.  They are appointed to keep the tabernacle of the testimony.  They will take it down, carry it, and set it back up.  They will minister to the Lord.

We are also known by God.  He knows us by name and He calls us to the specific place He wants us to be, to the job that He wants us to do, to the responsibilities that He gives to us... 
I am appointed to be a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.
To serve Him as only I can.
To write a blog.  To sing His praises. To give Him glory. To be His servant.

Father,  I present my body, a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to You, through Christ Jesus the Lord.  Fill me with Your Spirit, strengthen me for the day ahead.  May Jesus inhabit all of my mind, heart, soul and strength.  Let Him be seen in me.  Transform me by renewing my mind, that I may know Your will, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.  And work in me that I might complete all that You give to me to do today, to Your glory.
Jesus, I pray this in Your Name,

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