Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Luke 20-21  The last week of Jesus' life is filled with teaching.  We are told that He would teach in the temple from early in the morning until the evening.  The people flocked to Him to hear His words.  The religious leaders came too, but to test Him, to challenge Him, and to try and trick Him into condemning Himself.

When they challenge His authority to teach, Jesus asks  them about the baptism of John.  They cannot answer because of the people, not wanting a riot, so they do not get an answer from Jesus.
Instead they get a parable about a man who owns a vineyard and rents it out.  When he sends his slaves for a portion of the harvest, the growers beat him and send him away.  Again and again they refuse to give to the owner what is his due.  Finally, the owner sends his son and again the growers refuse, killing the man's son.  The owner "will come"  and destroy these growers, Jesus tells them,  and the scribes and chief priests know that He is talking about them.

They send spies out to watch Him.
They send people to ask questions that might get Jesus in trouble with the authorities of Rome.
They ask questions that try to confuse and frustrate Him.
But nothing works.

Finally, He asks them a question that they cannot ignore. "... David calls Him 'Lord', and how is He his son?"   How is the Messiah also the son of David?  Only God could do such a thing.  They cannot argue against the Word.  This should have opened their eyes to the Truth, but they refuse to see.  They reject Jesus again and again,  condemning themselves to be broken to pieces.... stumbling over the "chief cornerstone".

Jesus continues to teach.
He teaches that the widow who gives out of her poverty really gives more than the rich who give out of their surplus.
He teaches that the kingdom will come, but not as they expect.
He teaches that we will be persecuted by unbelievers.
He teaches that we will have opportunities to tell others about Him.
He teaches that we must have endurance.
He teaches that we must be alert and ready, so that we may recognize when the time is coming.
He teaches that we will need to pray for strength... and that we will stand before Him at last.

He teaches up until the last day of His life.  The passover has come.  He will have this last supper with His disciples and then He will give up His life for them.. and for us.  These last teachings are important. We must keep from stumbling over the Cornerstone. We must trust that His Words will never pass away.  We must keep being alert and keep praying... For the day is coming!
Nations are rising against nations.
Kingdoms are attacking other kingdoms.
There are earthquakes and famines.
Christians are being persecuted and killed in many places around the world.
Jerusalem is not surrounded by armies... or is it?

Keep your eyes on the heavens, He tells us, the sun and moon and stars will be signs to us - to "straighten up and lift up (our) heads"; because our redemption is coming!

Father, all glorious and wonderful!  Your plans are perfect and good.  You have declared the coming of the King and our eyes are lifted up, watching for His return.  Oh King of Heaven, come down and redeem Your children.  May we be ready, alert and diligently serving You as we await that joyful day.
Oh, merciful Father, prepare our hearts!  Bring our loved ones to the feet of the Savior that they would all be ready.  We ask this in His Wonderful, Matchless Name, the Name of Jesus Christ the King. amen

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