Thursday, December 18, 2014

Numbers 5

I'm not sure I like this chapter.... it seems rather, well, unfair.  Verses 1-4 are very reasonable.  Those who are sick with leprosy or who have been exposed to a dead body, must go outside the camp so that they don't infect others, and so that they don't come near to the tabernacle.   Seems like a wise thing.

Verses 5-10 talk about sin - "acting unfaithfully against the Lord".  That person who is guilty must:
make restitution
offer an atonement sacrifice
The gospel in a nutshell... very reasonable. But...

It is the rest of the chapter that is difficult.   There is a "test" for adultery that seems right out of the Salem witch hunts... If a woman commits adultery with another man or if a husband is jealous of his wife thinking she may have committed adultery, she is brought before the priests. The priest then takes a cup of water, adds dust from the floor to it, adds some words from a written curse to it, and makes her drink it.  The woman is made to take her hair down, stand with a grain offering in her hands, swear an oath, and drink the water.   If she is guilty the result will be that her "abdomen will swell" and her thigh will "waste away".  Whatever that means.  If she is not guilty, nothing should happen to her.

I picture this poor woman, intimidated, afraid, helpless, and alone.  But then I am reminded of what Jesus did when the woman who was caught in adultery was brought before Him.  There was no doubt of her guilt.  She was brought, not to the priest, but to the Savior.  He could have condemned her. But instead, He forgave her.  He never asked for a confession.  He never expected a restitution. He didn't even require an atonement offering.  He simply took pity on her and forgave. 

Why did God give Moses such a law in Numbers 5?  He knew some would misuse it and falsely accuse their wives for their own selfish or ignorant reasons.  I don't understand that.  But, I thank Him that Jesus came to show us a different way.  A way of forgiveness.  A way of redemption.
Praise the Lord for His kindness and mercy.  He sets us free for guilt and shame, no matter what our sin.. if we just come before Him and humbly confess and truly repent.

What a merciful and gracious God we serve. Father, help us to take Your Word seriously and forgive us all of our sins.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and peace.  Deliver us from the evil one and the temptations of this world.  Transform our lives by renewing our minds with Your Word.  We ask for Your Spirit to fill us and for Christ to dwell in us completely.  For He is Lord and our loving Savior.  amen.

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