Friday, December 5, 2014

Luke 19

Zaccheus,  a rich tax-collector, who has defrauded his own people and greedily stored up great wealth for himself, hears that Jesus is coming through Jericho.  He climbs a tree in order to catch sight of Jesus over the heads of the crowd.  Little did he expect that Jesus would stop at the foot of the tree and look up at him! Jesus even calls him by name, " Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house."   We are told that Zaccheus receives Jesus with rejoicing!  Verse 8 is his confession and proclamation of repentance, " Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much."

Jesus receives Zaccheus - "Today salvation has come to this house, because he too, is a son of Abraham.  For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." 

Zaccheus looked for Jesus.  He waited for Him.  He took action to be able to see Him.
Jesus takes notice of these actions and meets Zaccheus where he is...
At that moment, there is a great change in this man's heart.  Jesus has come to seek Zaccheus and to save him.  This unlikely sinner... this despised "son of Abraham" finds salvation!

What a simple example of the gospel.
Good news!  Look for Jesus and He will find you!
Good news! He is more than willing to come to your house.. today!
Good news! He will call you by name, for He knows all about you.
Good news! Receive Him with joy and your heart will be changed.  ( No one told Zaccheus to give to the poor or pay back what he had taken... he had fruit in keeping with genuine repentance!  The Lord did the work in Zaccheus)

There are many "stumbling blocks" or obstacles that could have blocked the way for Zaccheus, but he found the narrow way!
He gives himself into the Master's Hand.

Father  in heaven, You have sent Your Son to come and seek the lost. To save the dying. To rescue us from the dominion of darkness and set us firmly into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son.  How we praise You.  We give You glory!  We are so thankful.  Father, we pray for those who are still lost, blinded by the devil and do not know that Jesus has come to find them. If they would just look to Him.. they would be found by Him.  Thank You that He was willing to come to earth. Thank You that the door is still open.  Remove the obstacles that keep our loved ones from entering the narrow way.  Deliver them from the lies and schemes of the evil one.  We pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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