Friday, August 30, 2024

 Zechariah 3  This next vision focuses on Joshua, the High Priest.  As he stands before the "angel of the Lord" ( often used to describe the pre-incarnate Christ) in "filthy garments", Joshua is confronted by the accusations of Satan.  But, the Lord rebukes Satan, not  Joshua... for Joshua represents Jerusalem and the people of God.. and they are the "chosen". 

Then the Lord orders that the filthy garments be removed from Joshua.. " See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you in festal robes."   A clean turban is placed on Joshua's head and a message is given.. from the Lord:

" If you will walk in My ways, and if you will perform My service, then you will govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here."  The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains the significance of this message...

To walk in God's ways.. "describes the personal attitude of the priests (and ultimately the nation) toward God.  To perform God's service.. is to be faithful in the priestly duties. 

If the High Priest obeys God's ways and performs his duties faithfully.. then.. he would continue in his role in God's house;  he would keep the temple free from idolatry and defilement;  and he would receive the privilege of standing with the holy ones who are standing in front of the Lord. 

Verses 8-10 explain that Joshua, the High Priest, is a symbol " for behold I am going to bring in My servant, the Branch".  Ultimately, it is the Messiah, Jesus Christ who will complete the work of the Priesthood.. He will "remove the iniquity of that land in one day." 

As we read in Hebrews, no human priest could do what only Christ can do.. He fully walked in God's ways without faltering.  He alone could perform the service that can save all who believe.. He is the Great High Priest and the perfect Lamb, who was slain.  Because of Jesus, our filthy garments are removed and we receive the "festal robes"!  Because of Jesus, our iniquity is taken away!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, once again we thank You and rejoice in the salvation that You have given to us through the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank You for choosing us.. for giving us garments of righteousness and taking away all our sin and filth. Oh what a day that will be when we come to stand before You, clothed in His righteousness alone. We can not stand on our own efforts, Lord, but our hope is in Jesus. Thank You for that Living Hope that He gives to all who will come to Him. Father, open the eyes of those still in darkness, so that they will see the beauty of our Precious Lord. We ask this in His name. Amen. 

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