Monday, August 12, 2024

 James 1:6-8  "But let him ask in faith without doubting..."  Doubt- wavering; uncertainty; disbelief; lack of conviction; apprehension or fear; lack of trust or confidence...   the opposite of faith.  

James tells us that someone who doubts "is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."  This person is agitated... restless...  "Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."  To be unstable or inconstant.. is the negative of  the Greek word that means to "set down or set in place".. to make a permanent placement.. to take a stand. To be stable and single-minded, not vacillating, hesitating, or staggering from the truth. 

In other words.. God said it. I believe it. And that settles it! It is being fully committed to  the Lord.  Believe that He "gives generously to all without finding fault... " Whether we are asking for wisdom or for anything else within His will.. we need to ask in faith... without doubting. 

Verses 9-11 Here James addresses the attitudes of men regarding their possessions.  The "brother of humble circumstances".. and the "rich man"... both have to adjust their attitudes so that God is glorified. The poorer person can rejoice, because of his "high position".. he is a child of God.. fellow heir with Christ. That is amazing grace at work! Christ Himself lifts us up.. gives us dignity and worth.  While the rich person needs to recognize that all he has is worthless to save him.. that life is as short as a flower that springs up.. so beautiful..  but withering quickly.  Unless that man humbles himself before the Lord... all "his pursuits will fade away". 

Father in heaven, You have given us such wisdom through Your word.. and we ask for more.. wisdom for today.. that we might walk by faith, without doubting or wavering, but standing firm in the Truth.  We confess that we are nothing without You, but by Your infinite love and grace, we have become Your children.  Thank You for this amazing grace. Father. fill us with Your Spirit and continue what You have begun in us, for You are faithful and You will bring it to pass. Sanctify us entirely that our spirits, souls and bodies be preserved and complete in Christ Jesus, that we might stand before You blameless when He comes again. We ask these things in His holy Name. Amen. 

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