Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 James 4:1-10

Quarrels and fights? Battles and war?  How is this a problem in the church?  James says that these disputes and arguments are result of individual lusts and covetousness.  It's about not getting what you want.. or having things your way.   It's about your  heart.. 

Instead of looking at others.. arguing or fighting; judging or slandering them... we must look at our own hearts. 

First of all, we need to look to the source of everything.. Jesus our Shepherd.. have we asked Him for what we need? Do we have a steadfast heart that is trusting Him for what we need?

We also must examine are motives for asking... Are we asking "amiss"? Are we asking for something that is wasteful.. useless.. outside of God's desires for us? Are we asking for things that might make us seem "better" than someone else? 

Are we trying to make ourselves fit in with the world instead of standing apart in Jesus?  Then we must turn back.. "Submit therefore to God." v7

We must humble ourselves. Resist the devil. Cleanse our hands and hearts. And.. seek the Lord. 

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." v8   What a precious promise! 

Father in heaven,  You are our provider.. so we ask You for daily bread.. for forgiveness of sins.. and for protection from the evil one. We ask that Your will be done and Your Kingdom come. We ask that Your Name be hallowed and exalted in all the earth...and in  us!  We pray that You will lead us in Your paths of righteousness and as we seek first Your kingdom.. that You will provide all that we need.  May our hands be cleansed and our hearts purified by Your word and by the blood of the Lamb who washes us clean.  We want to draw nearer and nearer to You. Thank You for the promise that You will draw near to us. Bless us today, Lord God, with Your Holy Spirit that You have caused to dwell in us!  We submit to You in full surrender today. In Jesus' name we pray.. . Amen.

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